medicated cycles- how do you time the IUI in relation to the trigger shot?

We go for our IUI 36 hours after the trigger shot and so far have had no luck. We are now switching donors and are curious about either changing the timing or doing back to back IUIs. I have heard of people having success with 48 hours post trigger. Frozen sperm doesn't last that long so we want to increase our chances of nailing the timing. What does everyone else do?


  • I go to one of the elite top fertility specialists in the country and they and all the other doctors my friends go to in the area have the same method. Trigger and inseminate 12 hrs later and inseminate again 24 hrs later. They all have very high success rates. Not for me yet, but I am hoping.
  • So we all have to buy two vials. My friends all got pregnant.
  • My doctor triggered 36 hours before ovulation on both of my attempts. I triggered on a Wednesday night at 9:30 and had the IUI at 9:30 Friday morning. He told me he isn't opposed to doing back to back IUIs but he hasn't seen an increase in success with them. On my 2nd attempt I actually felt myself ovulating on the way to the doctor so the timing was perfect and I am now 11 weeks pregnant.
  • I did both of my iui attempts at somewhere between 12 and 24 hours and they both worked with just one vial. My re is well known and has one of the highest success rates in the country and also says he has not seen any benefit to a second iui in the same cycle.
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