
any pregnancies with #12028

Hi-I have been looking at donor 12028, but noticed there are no reported pregnancies. Is this because he entered not too long ago? Have there been any reported pregnancies recently? Thank you!


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    Hi Beach -

    Nothing to worry about. All CCB Donors have passed extensive screening, including a semen analysis on every donation.

    12028 is a relavtively new donor just released in 12/09. It usually takes 6-12 months for pregnancy/birth reports to start coming in from the date of the initial release. When at least one pregnancy is reported, it will show on his donor card as "Yes".


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    Now I am confused. On 12028 Short Profile it has a date of 11/29/08. I figured that this would be the date he entered the program. Can you clarify this for me? Thanks
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    The Profiles are completed early in the screening process, which last 6-9 months. Once collected, all vials are kept in a minimum 6 month quarantine while additional blood tests are performed on the donor every three months. Vials remain in quarantine until we have enough for an intial release. It is generally a minimum of a year from the time a donor applicant begins the screening process until his first vials are avaiable for sale.

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    Hi Scott, it has been a while and I am wondering if there have been any births reported with 12028. I know he has pregnancies now but just wondering if any pregnancies have been translated into live births. Thanks for your help!
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    Hi Beach -

    We no longer report actual births due to the misleading nature of vast under-reporting by our clients. If we were, I would have to tell you that not much has changed with 12028's reporting.


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