Feelin' Lucky in August.

August will be my partner and I's 2nd IUI Attempt.

First IUI was in June (took a 1 month break). I didn't realize how defeated I would feel after receiving my BFN so we took a month off to regroup and remember why we were doing this.

Anyone else feelin' "Lucky" in August?!


  • I am definitely feeling lucky in August. :)
  • I wish you lots of good luck and good timing ! My partner and I tried for the first time in June also and got a BFN, I was really surprised at how fast the two weeks after that went by. We were not sure if we wanted to wait until August or try again immediately in July. I tracked my ovulation( just in case) and got the smiley face on a Monday night.....we decided that night to call the dr tues morning and give it a try! The dr office told me they could see me at 1:00 that afternoon. Since my 1st IUI was at 30+ hours after my ovulation stick predicted my ovulation, I though going in for my 2nd IUI less than 24 hrs later was too early. However, by tues morning I could feel the mid pain just an hour before my IUI. I was surprised at how calm I stayed over the next 2 weeks. We went hiking and swimming and did all the things that make me happy and I am happy to say that we got a BFP this weekend!!

    I wish you all the best and can only say is that I know these things happen without us having all the control we would like to have.....So try to relax as much as possible and focus on all that you enjoy. It seems to make it easier. Lots of baby dust to you!
  • Congrats C! We got a BFP also (12224)! Did our first HCG and it was 150, go in wed for another one!

    This was IUI number 3 for us, we had 2 canceled cycles prior due to follicles not maturing, also had to have a D&C due to polyps in the uterus. We are also only working with one ovary, one fallopian tube, PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome) and my wife is 36. Our lab numbers were not extremely promising either!

    So everyone keep your heads up!!! When it's meant to be it will!

    We got pregnant on our first cycle with injectables added. It is called a hybrid cycle. We did D3 and 4 on Clomid 200mg, D5, 6, 7 Clomid 150mg then D8,9,10,11 on Bravelle 1 injection a day. That bravelle meant business!!! And we have seen many many ppl get BFP on their first go round with hybrid cycles!

    We were on just clomid the other 4 times. Started at 50mg, then 100mg then 150 then a combo 200/150. PCOS was affecting our follies from getting mature.

    We also did our IUI at 39 hrs after Trigger shot.

    Now all we gotta worry about is stayin prego!!!

    Good luck and baby dust to everyone!
  • I'm hoping some of yours and your wife's luck rub off on me and my wife. I'm going in for IUI #3 next week (currently day 4 of Clomid, to be followed by 5 days of estrogen and an hcG shot). I'll admit the "NOT PREGNANT" on the HPT is the worst, especially when you're four days late (this last one) and then after you pee on the stick, and you go to wipe and AF makes her appearance (sorry to be graphic).

    Moving forward.....this 38 year old has a positive attitude, and hopes the third time will be the charm. I got a good feeling (and a new donor, the one I originally wanted but wasn't available at the time). In the meantime, I'll take all the luck and baby dust I can get.

    @Tommie - Here's to a happy and healthy pregnancy for you and yours.
  • Congratulations C & Tommie I love reading about success stories... Keep us posted throughout your pregnancy.

    Pugmama- I'm wishing you lot's of baby dust. The 3rd time is going to be the "Right" time for you.
    How is the Clomid coming along? I took Clomid for my first IUI and I have to say I'm not looking forward to starting it again next week. I was an emotional basket case to put it mildly.
  • This is my third round of Clomid and I can tell you, my experience was, the second and third time were a breeze compared to the first one. First cycle I had headaches, nausea and hot flashes; not sure if it was the Clomid or the hcG. Although, my lining the first time was "not as thick as they'd like it to be." So the second (and third) cycle the doctor added estradiol for five days following the five days of clomid. So today was day 5 of clomid, tomorrow I begin the estrogen. Emotionally, I'm not sure if it had that much affect on me. Maybe a little, I'm kinda sensitive and tear up easily...but I'm pretty even keeled (may have something to do with being a Libra).

    Good Luck and Baby Dust!!!!
  • Pugmama,

    I'm praying that my 2nd time is going to be a breeze. The first time we had similar symptoms. I kept saying I feel like I'm going through menopause why is it so HOT in here! But the most noticeable side affect was my ability to burst into tears over nothing. Since I'm not a big crier anyway it was a huge adjustment and once I was done with clomid I immediately started to feel better.

    Good Luck next week with the IUI. I find that tying on here is a place to release all of the emotions you feel during this process.

    Keep me posted.
  • My wife and I are super excited for our August try!! It will be our 2nd IUI as well and our first time with clomid. For our first IUI my desk partner predicted that it was not going to work. (She's more of a realist than an optimist lol) this time she told me she took some time to think about it and decided it WAS going to take in August so we'll see...

    As for clomid symptoms...
    the only symptom I really had was the emotional sensitivity. I usually cry at movies but this time I was bawling!!

    Also a note on my wife's reaction to me taking clomid:
    From the first day she insisted there were multiple symptoms and I came to understand the reason she wanted so badly for everything to be a symptom was because, she wanted to see a sure sign that the clomid was working. So lovingly, I gave her a breakdown of my thoughts and feelings everyday which made her feel more involved. I guess I should learn to enjoy it because hopefully there will soon be 9 months of thoughts and feelings to share!

    Good Luck Ladies!
  • Alley Duck I'm sending tons of Baby Dust your way.

    Keep us posted on the IUI!
  • OK so IUI#2 was Aug. 2nd and I have a feeling my desk partner is right. The timing felt awesome and we were so much more relaxed this time. I test for O many times throughout the day. and got my first + at 9:00 AM on the first (I wasn't sure it was + bcuz it was a tad lighter than control line so I checked a few hours later w/ a dif. test and got a smiley!) we waited and went for IUI at 9:00 the next morning. Tests were still positive at 6:00 last night but I didn't test again b4 bed. Test at 7:00 this morning was -. I don't feel as stressed as my last 2ww and feel more optimistic this time. So Here's Hoping LOL

    Good Luck to u all!!
  • Alley - baby dust your way!!!!!!!!
  • I think I'll use my OPK tonight before bed or tomorrow morning before my proceedure just to make sure. I did my trigger shot last night around 10 pm, so my IUI is tomorrow at 10 am. I went over and spent some time today with friends and their 5 month old baby and hopefully some of their baby dust rubbed off on me. Third time has GOT TO BE the charm, right?
  • Third time is a charm! Baby dust everyone's way!
  • Not feeling so lucky anymore!

    Went to the RE on Friday and found out that my right ovary has a Corpus Luteum (Functional Cyst)-I think that is what he called it.

    We have another appointment next Friday to see what is going on- but it's looking like we are out before we even got started for August :(
  • So AlleyDuck.... How's the TWW comin'? I'm going stir crazy knowing AF is supposed to arrive on 8/15 (according to my calendar on my phone) and Thursday will be two weeks.... I know this all out of my hands but I'm so nervous and hoping for a no show for flow.
  • Hen - I know it's hard, but just remember - everything happens for a reason!

    We felt the same way...we kept getting benched time and time again...we were exhausted before we even started! We basically had three cycles that got cancelled because the follies wouldn't mature - even with clomid! But we just kept fighting....and here we are 6 months later, happy as can be!

    So just remember, this wasn't supposed to be easy, or cheap...it was meant to be rememerable, something worth fighting for...it was supposed to be worth it in the end. Don't stress yourself out, that's the worst thing you can do for yourself. I know it's hard, but you have to think positive!

    Good luck!
  • My wife and I are going for #3 this month. This is the first month that I'm starting to feel more optimistic. Hopefully with all this baby dust and support flying around we'll all get lucky:)
  • Lots of ppl have been getting lucky with lucky number 3! Good luck and baby dust to you!
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