Donor 13551
Posts: 4
I am intrested in this donor. I see this donor has no pregnancies, has there been many attempts? Also can you breakdown his features he has two look a likes. Thank You.
Donor 13551 has been available for less than 4 months, so it's not unusual that we haven't received pregnancy reports yet. It usually takes time for clients to select a donor, purchase vials, and have their inseminations. In addition, some women may not share their "good news" until after their first tri-mester.
Please keep in mind that the number of reported pregnancies a donor has will have zero impact on your personal chances of success. All CCB donors must meet extremely high specimen quality standards and every donation is individually tested for specimen quality. (Less than 1% of applicants actually become CCB donors.)All of our donors will have reported pregnancies, it just takes some time.
As for inquiries about Donor Look-a-Likes, please feel free to contact Client Services. You can request to speak with Shawnbay who is on the Donor Look-a-Likes committee.
I got pregnant on my first try with this donor. Best of luck!
That's alot of swimers, I'm adding him as a posibility.
Good luck and keep me posted.