Single Mom by choice AND a bit older
Aloha ladies
I am going to be 44 this Saturday and have spent the last year trying to decide what my reproductive future was going to be. With no romantic options in my immediate future and not wanting to rush anything for the obvious reasons, I have decided to do this the old fashioned way…..light some candles, pour some wine, log onto my CCB account and pick a Daddy. :) I've been through about 6 months of ovulation tracking and blood work and my OB/GYN finally told me "You are good to go, but if you are going to do this, I want you pregnant this year!" That being said, It's time!
I'm wondering how many of you out there are in the same boat as me…not just choosing to be a single mom, but pushing it with the age limit as well.
I am going to be 44 this Saturday and have spent the last year trying to decide what my reproductive future was going to be. With no romantic options in my immediate future and not wanting to rush anything for the obvious reasons, I have decided to do this the old fashioned way…..light some candles, pour some wine, log onto my CCB account and pick a Daddy. :) I've been through about 6 months of ovulation tracking and blood work and my OB/GYN finally told me "You are good to go, but if you are going to do this, I want you pregnant this year!" That being said, It's time!
I'm wondering how many of you out there are in the same boat as me…not just choosing to be a single mom, but pushing it with the age limit as well.
Write me at and I'll TALK TO YOU!
What stage are you in? Would love to join in on the conversation with you both.
i am in the very earl stages!
Paris, thank you for the birthday wishes. :)
Thank you for sharing!
I want a child in the worst way, always have. After my divorce, thought that my shot was over. A couple years ago I got engaged, thought one more shot maybe. I broke that off. I am still dating the guy but he is not financially independent.
If I do this, it is all me, all the cost will be up to me. My dilemma is do I go with someone I do love as the donor even though I am not confident we will ever work out our relationship, or do I pick a stranger at a donor bank and completely on my own. Neither one is the fairy tale ending that all women would prefer, This is not ideal but my window is short and I have to decide this weekend.
I start my meds Monday, Nov.23 and then I am on my way for the egg retrieval the week after. I am questioning my sanity for doing this by myself and spending this amount of money for something that may not work. I cannot get my head around it. Any words of advice?
Thank you!
Irish Girl
That said, I am 41 and pregnant with a donor sperm child. I would love for him to ave a father figure. To know personally where his other half comes from. If you love this man and want to share this with him more than anything, then go for it. Everything always sorts itself out in the end. A loved child is what's important. Don't stress, just trust your gut. And good luck!
There is something so amazing about doing this on your own! I feel proud that I know what I want and I'm not scared. That being said, I do have a very supportive family and friends! I always say, I can meet Mr. Right at any age, but I won't be able to have a baby forever. This is more important to me than anything else.
I am almost 39. I did 3 IUIs with no success. I took a bit of a break and then decided to move forward with IVF. All my number were pretty good except my AMH which was pretty low at 0.29. My first 3 IVF cycles, I never got to a retrieval. Something always came up. A cyst, or I ovulated or only produced one follicle...I was exhausted, emotionally, mentally and physically. I took a 3 month break that my MD and I decided that I needed desperately. It was exactly what I needed. That, and I honestly put it in Gods hands. I started this cycle in 11/1. The cycle went really well. I produced 4 follicles which for me was fantastic! My egg retrieval was one week ago today. My MD was able to retrieve 2 eggs. When the embryologist called the next day, she was really excited! Both eggs were mature, she fertilized and they both made it to embryos! I transferred both on Tuesday! The whole experience this cycle has been great so far. I've kep myself stress free and remained positive. My beta is next Friday!! I can't wait!!
I didn't mean to write a book but just wanted to encourage you and tell you to stay positive, stress free, have faith and be proud of your decision! You are going after what you or no man!!!
If you ever want to chat, feel free to email me ( I've met a couple women on this bulletin board and I talk to them in a daily basis! I can't imagine going through all this without them. ??
Thank you for letting me share - any advise would be greatly appreciated :) Best to you all.