Boston Marathon - We are okay

I know that people have been following the Boston Marathon explosions and some know that I live close to the city of Boston. Hunter and I were home and never ventured near the city today. My heart goes out to all that were lost today and praying for the injured. I heard about the explosions when one of my brothers called me to make sure we were okay.


  • Glad to hear you both are save =)
  • so glad to hear Anissa .. I was thinking of
    you !...I'm in NY so I know what Boston is going through right now
  • Thanks A and Metsfan. Metsfan, I know you know. Did you see the Yankees are doing a tribute tonight. So classy.
  • yes I heard about that... at least the yankees can do something classy... (im actually a mets fan so ive always hated the yankees ! lol) ...but on a serious note i do applaud them and other teams that are doing tributes..
  • Glad you guys are okay Anissa!! Stay safe. It still sounds pretty crazy up there.
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