
13794 and 13839

Hi there!

Can you tell me how many births were reported for 13794 and 13839? Thanks.


  • Options
    Hi H -

    We can share if there are more or less than 5 reported pregnancies and if we've received birth reports.

    Donor 13794 was released with a very limited number of vials. He has less than 5 reported pregnancies. We haven't received any birth reports yet.

    Donor 13839 has 5 or more reported pregnancies and we have received birth reports.

    Please note that Donor 13794 is sold out of vials and Donor 13839 only has vials available for sibling use. If you have a reported pregnancy from either of these donors, you can access our free Sibling Registry to interact with other families that used the same donor:


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