Anyone thinking of using this donor? He does not have any pregnancies...should I worry?


  • I was just wondering if you had a success with donor #13902? My procedure is scheduled in a few days. Thanks
  • We are still actively trying.
    Baby Dust to you. I will keep you posted. I hope to hear from others on this donor.
  • I had my iui today. Had 3 mature follicles. Sperm count was 12.8 mil so I'm hopeful. I'll let you know the outcome.
    Baby Dust to you as well. :-)
  • Good evening BB3x, Just wanted to update you that I just received word that I'm pregnant. 13902 did the job!!

    GL to you
  • Congratulations, I'm considering using this donor
  • Has Anyone updated and reported a positive delivery...I have friends who have succeeded with IUI vials from another donor. I'm wondering if we should change to IUI or another donor.
  • I have a positive pregnancy form donor 13902 and am due to deliver a baby girl in June.
  • Thank you for the update. Congratulations!
  • KBTKBT Posts: 379
    I am using donor in June
  • KBT..have you had a successful pregnancy here...you mentioned that you were pregnant with another donor in another post.
  • @bbc, early miscarriage with IVF
  • Msayeni...How did the delivery Go.....ur baby girl..Did I miss an updat on another post?
  • She mentioned in another post she had a beautiful baby girl. I just had a failed IUI with donor but doing IVF with donor. Start stims probably on Friday. Are you using this donor?
  • Donor 13902 is a great find. My baby girl is so beautiful and extremely smart. Thank you Jesus!!!
  • How is everyone? Tomorrow I'm 24wks by this donor
  • Couldn't find her posts.my wife n I are using another bank. It looks like not a lot of successful stories here..seems like these posts are made up..Best of luck.
  • I did IUI with this donor yesterday for the first time. Wish me luck!! Congrats on your baby girl msayeni.
  • On my 5th IUI with this donor. :(
    One pregnancy but resulted in a miscarriage. How many reported pregnancies does this donor have? Anybody know?
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