Posts: 29
We are trying our first ICI at home this coming week with donor 14389. CCB tells us he is a relatively new donor, only available a few months now but he does have reported pregnancies, less than 5 at this time. We tried 2 rounds of IUI at our clinic with donor 13718. Sperm count was high, around 48 million with 40% motility. We switched donors as we decided we wanted to give ICI at home a try and 13718 no longer had ICI vials available. Feeling confident about trying the at home method and claiming this to be our month, third time is a charm! Is there anyone out there who has had success with this donor?
So yay! the IUI was yesterday at 3pm - I was a lil crampy afterwards and crampy this morning but it went really well. Painless and happened so quickly. Unfortunately, I didn't get numbers specific to the swimmers. I know the office I'm going to washes the sperm but they don't get specific numbers. She said they just make sure that there are plenty of good swimmers which was pretty disappointing but I'm trying to remain positive. I trust my doctor's office but I was looking forward to hearing the numbers. How is your wife feeling? What date is your blood work??
<3 sending good happy vibes your way!
I'm not sure how to answer this. The first month we tried with him, we were unsuccessful and the clinic we used the first month didn't give numbers as far as motility and numbers. Our second attempt with him was this month. Unfortunately his numbers were only 5 million - the doctor said that that's all it really takes, but California Cryobank will give us a refund for this month if our results do not end in a pregnancy. My beta was this morning and I have to wait until this afternoon for the results. Now we're not sure if we should switch donors or not if we get a negative. This is all so stressful!!