
When should I stop?

I have had 5 IUI's. How many do you think I should try before I give up. Has anyone had more than 10??


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    I had 5 failed IUI's also. My doctor said they usually only do 3. So I'm going to try IVF next May.
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    I have had 3 natural IUI, 1 more with clomid and the Dr wants me to go to injectables with IUI next try. There is no way I can afford IVF unfortunately. I changed donors after 4 failed cycles, and have 3 vials of a new donor. I plan on one more cycle with clomid, then the last 2 with injectables if I have to. That would be 7 tries, and I don't know after that. I haven't let my mind go there yet, I just assumed I would be pregnant within 3 tries. Have yours been medicated?
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    Assuming you're young, fertile, and have well-timed IUIs, the statistic I've seen most frequently has been about a 25% chance of pregnancy on each cycle. Which means that if 100 women did up to 3 tries, 58 of them would be pregnant within those 3 cycles. After 5 cycles, 76 would be pregnant.

    We did 2 unmedicated cycles (one with bad timing, one with other issues), followed by 3 cycles with 50mg Clomid, followed by a successful cycle with 100mg of Clomid. (That last cycle also involved an HSG to rule out any mechanical issues.)

    An IUI cycle was about $600 for us (6 years ago), whereas an IVF cycle would have been more like $12,000. Since I was young (so trying for another 6 months wasn't likely to result in a drastic reduction in fertility), I'd have done quite a few more IUIs before turning to IVF. We knew we had the timing down, so patience was on our side. If I'd been older, I'd have made very different choices.
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