Help for Australian using CCB
Posts: 1
Hi, I am after some help. I am from Australia. I have purchased donor sperm from CCB and they told me there could be some custom fees involved in the importation of the viles. I can't find information anywhere or find who to contact. Has anyone else imported viles from CCB into Australia and can please help me with the various details I should know before getting my shipping ready. I don't want to get it here and have it held up and as a result go bad. Can anyone offer advice from Australia about the best way for me to go about doing all this successfully? Also has anyone tried and succeeded in self insemination and can offer any advice? Can anyone offer advice on the best way to help increase having a girl? Mostly a good book about a diet? Thanks so much in advance :)
What state are you in? Because I know there are only certain states that CCB can ship to, and I'm not sure if they can send it straight to you, I think it has to go to a clinic. (but again, I'm not sure on that, you might need to ring CCB to check)
I rang around lots of different fertility clinics in Australia and the only one I found that would let me use CCB vials was Canberra Fertility Centre.