Does anyone have any vials of donor 11438 that they wish to sell?

We are hoping to buy some vials for donor 11438. If anyone has any that they are willing to sell please let me know.

Many thanks


  • hi jjw
    i don't have any vials of donor 11438 to sell. but, i am considering him and just curious if you have purchased vials of that donor before? i'm at the beginning of my 4th IUI cycle and considering switching donors right now.
  • Hi there,

    I'm afraid I haven't used this donor before and haven't got any info on him. I just liked what I saw on his profile and from the 'Donor look a likes' listed, he seems like a good match for my husband.

    Unfortunately there are no more vials left to purchase. When I rang California Cryo to ask when they will have more vials available they told me there won't be any until end April and even then they can't guarentee that.

    Good luck with your 4th IUI
    Best wishes JJ
  • Depending on how my IUIs go I may have leftover vials but it may be 2 months before I will be ready to sell them.
  • I am pregnant with 11438 on my 1st try/IUI, I can't believe!! My Re said his sperm numbers, motility were very good, not that the numbers meant anything to me!!!
  • Congrats Sui! I am using the same donor this month for my 1st donor IUI. Hope I have the same good luck!
  • Congratulations Sui!!! Good luck to you Faith :-)
  • Good luck Faith!!
  • Congrats sui!!! I am using this donor as well and will be trying in April for my fist IUI. Glad to hear his counts are good!
  • JJW,

    I have 1 IUI vial and 2 ICI vials I am interested in selling. Can you give me your email and also let me know how I would go about selling them? They are still at California Cryobank.
  • I have 3 vials of 11348 left in my RE's office. I'm moving along with my early pregnancy so not sure when I will be ready to sell back the vials. I'll keep you posted.