
Sexual Orientation

Is there any information provided on the sexual orientation of the donors?


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    Hi svede74 -

    We do not ask our applicants specifically about sexual orientation.

    Part of our regulated screening process is to ask all applicants if they have engaged in high risk sexual contact in the last 5 years. This includes sexual contact with another male. If they have engaged in high risk sexual contact (which can also include too many opposite sex partners) they are eliminated from consideration from our program.

    I hope this answers your question.


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    Is there some other component involved here (like *unprotected* sex with another man) or do you really mean you are eliminating them all - even if they are in a long-term monogamous relationship?
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    Hi mackedymac - It may have something to do with FDA regulations that came out in 2005:

    The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is introducing new rules about who can donate sperm. Men that have had homosexual sex within the five years prior to them wanting to make an anonymous sperm donation will be prevented from doing so, as the FDA says that gay men are collectively more likely to be HIV (human immunodeficiency virus)-positive than other men. However, men who have had male sexual partners within the past five years would not be prevented from donating sperm to a friend or family member.

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    Yes, we are regulated by the FDA and must follow their guidelines.


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    Wow. I find that a bit unfortunate, but it's good to know.
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    thats awful. How sad
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