
Donor 05653

Donor 05653 is at the top of my list right now... Just wondering about the shade of his red hair. Is it dark, light, strawberry, carroty, etc.? I always thought it would be cool to have a ginger baby - just wondering HOW red is red in this instance? Also any thoughts on his personality?


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    Hi Abby -

    It is a darker red. I'd say more in the auburn range than strawberry or carroty (is that officially a word now?)

    I have never had the pleasure of meeting him, so I would suggest looking at the free Staff Impression available on his donor page (if you haven't already). The coordinator that wrote it certainly spent a good amount of time with him during his qualification period.

    I hope this is helpful to you.


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    Thanks, Scott! If carroty isn't already a word, it certainly should be!

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