
Report pregnancy with IVF

The donor I used for IUI always had very poor numbers and motility. However we went ahead with IVF using the same donor and I'm now pregnant. This donor currently still shows "no reported pregnancies."
I don't want to steer any women wrong thinking he has stellar swimmers because that definatley wasn't the case. Should I still report the pregnancy to CCB since his fist reported pregnancy was achieved through very expensive IVF??


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    Hi Riley -

    Congratulations on the pregnancy! We are always thrilled to share in good news.

    You should definitely report the pregnancy. It is important for us to have the information so that we may contact you with any relevant medical updates on your donor or other offspring.

    Specimen quality is measured in total motile sperm, which is a combination of volume and motility. Motility on its own measures the percentage of swimmers, not the quality of their swimming. As long as there are enough total sperm swimming, the specimen is perfectly fine. If the total motile number doesn't meet our guarantee and you do not become pregnant, it is always eligible for a credit (your physician can submit the proper paper work).

    Best of luck (and get lots of sleep while you can). :-)

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    Ok Scott thanks for the advise. It's an open donor too so I guess I should report for that reason too. After I have my OB heartbeat scan on May 8th I will feel more comfortable reporting the pregnancy. Thanks again!
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