
Does lab tech make difference

I purchased vials from a donor who others have posted on the message boards had great numbers/motility. When I used the specimen, my lab tech reported low motility. Would that be because he is not good at washing it and I should switch fertility clinics? I don't know if I should switch donors or switch clinics.


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    Hi BabyGaga -

    There could be a number of reasons for the low numbers, including thawing/wash/count method as well as poor specimen quality. Without knowing the specific numbers your tech found, the thawing and count procedure, or any details on the specimen itself, it is impossible for me to even venture a guess.

    I can tell you that each vial is created individually, so even if this vial was a substandard specimen, there is no immediate reason to switch donors.

    My recommendation would be to contact Melonee at mevans@cryobank.com and have her contact your lab to discuss your vial. She can also help you with a credit (assuming the insemination was unsuccessful and your vial did not meet our minimum guarantee).

    Best of luck,

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