Searching for Symptoms...

So Clomid then the HCG shot then IUI this past Sunday. Two more days and I will be a week out and I have NO symptoms! I am more tired than normal but I understand that's due to the Prometrium. So, Ladies...this is what the TWW is like. Ugh. (I was a bad patient too, I have taken a pregnanct test every other day...but the truth comes out August 7th).

I also don't fully understand why my chances are "15-20%" on the first try, I mean we ampted up the follicles, we measured everything, we placed the sperm in the perfect spot, we even cleaned the sperm and my chances are still lower than my sisters one-night-stand, thanks universe (lol).

Words of advise??


  • LoL....maybe getting pregnant on a one night stand is to teach you a lesson to be careful who you have sex with cuz you might be stuck with them for the rest of your life!

    Anyways, for the TWW...the first and second time we did our IUI, especially the first...we took a ton of pregnancy tests. We did them early as well but that was to see when the HCG trigger had left her system. THen we just kept doing it because we couldn't help ourselves!!!!!!!!!!!!! As far as symptoms go, stop looking because it could be cramps, no cramp, tender nipples, or not. It is anything that could happen while you are pms'ing.

    We just got a BFP this past weekend and my wife STILL tells me a couple times a day that she feels like she could start her period any second. Other than that, she has been exhausted but that started like day 16 or so. She had a faux period of nausea but hasn't had any since. One IUI 2 she had smell aversions among other thigns....

    So the moral of the story is that you could drive yourself insane looking for a symptom because it could be a sign of pregnancy or it could be a sign AF is coming.

    Good luck! We tested positive on D10pIUI but you had to do a backflip, stand on your head, hold your face in a certain position and squint your eyes to see it!
  • Thanks TW! I want this to work on the first try so badly, which we all do, and I am trying to get a sign way before nature ever intended! I worry just a tiny bit bc the strips are getting lighter on the HPT so I didn't take one today (way to be mature- huh). I am so happy that you got a positive! Even with all the stress this is still a very exciting process!!
  • P.S. My only PMS signs were a sore back feels great!
  • We noticed that our HCG trigger left our system around D6 or 7pIUI. That's a good sign that way you know for sure it's not a false positive if you do get a positive.

    And trust we all know how that feels, wanting it to be the first try so bad. We finally stopped wanting it and just put it to the higher power...whenever we were supposed to get prego, we would...and we stopped worrying about it all.

    Good luck to ya!
  • I giggled reading your post....we did our first IUI in June and I was convinced it would take. I created all kinds of symptoms during 2ww, aversion to coffee, fatigue, sensitivity to smells, i even took a hpt 2 days AFTER an unusually shot period. So we tried again this month and with NO symptoms we got a BFP on d11pIUI. I have had very mild nausea here and there and have been a bit tired but nothing like I had imagined.

    So good luck to you!! It really is hard to predict and I'm sure it is just the beginning of learning how to roll with what life throws at us!
  • C - how far along are you? I think you are right in front of us, we are 4 wks and 6 days. Tommie hasn't had any morning sickness yet but we heard your HCG needs to be over 2000 for that to start...
  • Hi Tommie, I am 4 wks 4 days.....we have told a select few people and are waiting until after our sonogram on the 11th to tell everyone else. Today the nausea is much more noticeable! I'm feeling really good and I hope the morning sickness is as bad as it will get now!! Keeping my fingers crossed. Where do you girls live? We are in California. Hope all is well!
  • We are hoping Tommie doesn't get it at all! We have our sonogram on the 10th! How fun to be right along side someone! We are in Arkansas, I was born and raised in Cali - San Diego (Camp Pendleton). My parents are still in Cali but are retiring out her soon! Can't wait!!!
  • Don't do it!!!! LOL Symptom searching is a cruel joke on the female anatomy! I got pregnant on my first IUI (but lost it) and had 3 more failed IUIs after that and EVERY SINGLE try my symptoms were different!!! I thought for sure I was preggo on the 4th try because I had a lot of symptoms that were just like the 1st try but I was not... I've sworn now that I'm not going to let myself go there unless I'm tossing up my cookies! I refuse to test until d14po as well. It's all excitement for your first try or 2 but as it goes on I'd rather not drive myself crazy for 2 whole weeks! I try my very best to block everything out till I'm really close to AF. I hope you don't have to experience that and get lucky on the first try!!!
  • That's the truth Maggie - we told everyone we skipped a cycle just so we weren't reminded we were in our TWW...we just tried to forget about it and go on with our daily lives and poof preggo!
  • The TWW is killing me. I was thinking of testing 8 post IUI but after hearing you guys will wait....ugh!!!! :)
  • Wow! Thanks for all the comments! This is a huge help. I remember a long time ago when I looked into this I read about ppl in the TWW and though, "Ah, two weeks go by so fast, with everything I do in a day, that will fly by" - Oh, I'm an idiot! I worry now bc I did take HPT everyother day 8dIUI(Sunday July 24th IUI) and yesterday it was negative...of course all the other one's were positive in about 3 seconds.

    So, do I still do one on the 7th (which I will...I suppose just to get out of denial). Looks like I made all the errors a newbie makes :) I agree with the other comment about waiting. I was super excited, I got my (few) very close familiy members excited...then negative.
  • 8 is WAY to early! We tested positive on D10pIUI but you had to do back flips land a certain way with one arm like so and your hair another way to see the faintest line you'd ever see...infact my wife threw it in the trash because she couldn't see it. She was sobbing on the toilet when she saw it was negative...don't set yourself up for disappointment!!!!

    Really we weren't supposed to test that early, we decided no sooner than D12, but she had "that feeling" she was prego so she tested.

    EA - Now that you have a negative you know the trigger is out of your system. I'm a little confused about your posting, but it looks like you tested negative on D8pIUI, yes you should test again in like 4 or 5 days...some people get positives on day 10 or 11 but others don't get it till day 14 or depends on the pregnancy test you are using. You can google "how much HCG do pregnancy tests test for" and you should get a list. Like for instance mine does 20. The digital clear blue easy is 100. So that's a big difference. You see why we got a positive on D10? If we were doing the 100 we wouldn't have - our blood HCG on D15pIUI was 150.

    Anyways, hope that helps and don't get discouraged till AF comes! Then there's no time for being sad cuz you start all over again!
  • Thank you. It sounds like there is still hope.

    My calculations are: sperm that has been frozen lasts 24-48hr, the egg hangs out for 3 days(?) they have two days to meet, fertilize, travel back down fallopian tube and then attach to uterus lining. So my procedure was done 7/24, if they met two days later = 7/26. Then they need 3-5 days to travel down the fallopian tube = 7/31. Today is 8/2 and of course I don't have any symptoms, no spotting, no tenderness.

    Maybe thinking so much about this makes me relax. My brain is on overdrive so all my other muscles (and organs) are relaxed. Thanks to everyone who has been so friendly and supportive!! What a great group!
  • LMAO! You kill me!!!

    Ok here is what I believe to be true:

    Frozen sperm lasts no more than 24 hours with 12 hours being the average or optimal time.

    Egg lives for 24 hours so 12 hours is again the average or optimal time.

    So your best window is a 12 hour time period. You need to inseminate right when your eggs release so that both have the most time to meet and do their thing...atleast that's MY understanding of the whole process. I could be very research is based off google lol...

    It can take up to 7 to 10 days (i think) for the fertilized egg to travel down the fallopian tube and implant.

    Some people have implantation spotting or a "pulling" feeling, some people feel nothing. Tommies attitude was "i should be feeling all this stuff....if i'm not then I KNOW i'm not pregnant...i'm cramping and feel like i'm going to start my it must be true i'm not pregnant"'s what i say to this...unless you've been pregnant do you know you are or are not pregnant????????????

    Keep your head up!
  • I agree with Natalie's timeline... that's how I understand it as well.

    EA - you think the TWW takes forever dragging on and on, just wait till you have a REST cycle. It's more than a month of waiting, waiting, waiting! It was ok the first week, now I'm itchin' to shoot up some drugs LOL!
  • My partner reminds me that it does take 9 entire months to have a baby, so I need to manage this TWW a little better :)

    Then she also grabs my belly and tells me she see's a zygote!

    I haven't taken a test in 3 eyebrow is twitching! Would you believe that normally I'm very calm and even-tempered? It was true, once upon a time.

    Thaks for the help on the timeline, I just needed to process stuff, the result is still the same - Aug. 7th..............
  • TW - I saw your posts about morning sickness, when I was 5-6 weeks preg. I kept wanting to feel morning sickness so I felt more preg. Well, dont worry it will come, I now wish I would have not wished so hard for it! :) Enjoy the time before it starts. Mine didnt start until about week 8 and its now into week 12 and it worse than ever.

  • LMAO Summer! Well, I wish for Tommie to get it not me!'s all part of being pregnant isn't it? I mean I don't want her miserable that's for sure, I just want reassurance that things are progressing! I will feel better wednesday when we go in for our first sonogram!
  • Well, ladies, the big reveal was Sunday and my 6th EPT said negative. On to try number two. Fingers crossed and heavy on the baby dust in Kentucky!!
  • I'm sorry, but the good thing is you don't have much time to dwell on it because you immediately start again!

    Baby dust to round two!!!
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