Fibroids in the Uterus

Wondered if anyone had this experience and could help. I have uterine as large as a grapefruit. I have been told by one doctor that I should have them removed before I try insemination. Another doctor told me that could hurt my fertility forever and should do the insemination anyway. Has anyone had experience with this?


  • I have one fibroid, tennis ball size, and my doctor said that it wouldn't hinder me getting pregnant or put any risk on myself or the baby during pregnancy. However, when I mention that we might try to get pregnant via sperm donantion he recommended me getting it removed. I took it as a "just in case" "better safe than soory" attitude in regards to spending all the money to get pregnant that he didn't want there to be the slightest bit of doubt about the fibroid causing any complications. I am scheduled to have my "diagnostic laparoscopy" Memorial Day weekend. My doctor is pretty confident that the size and location will allow him to remove the fibroid without any problems but he won't know for sure until he's in there (there is a chance that the stalk could be to large and have a blood vessel running through it). My doctor did not mention anything about hurting my fertility if I have it removed, although I only have the one and it sounds like you have several, it doesn't sound like we're comparing apples to apples here.

    The best information I received from a friend (going through similar fertility issues, and now has a beautiful baby boy!)is that it doesn't hurt to get another opinion, especially if something in your gut tells you to. It sounds like you've spoken to at least two doctors but maybe another one wouldn't hurt. Have you already had ultrasounds and a diagnostic laparoscopy for your doctors to get the most information about your situation?

    Best of luck to you!
  • Hi - I have had fibroids and had them removed last June and am not 12 weeks pregnant.
    Here is my story. I started with my normal OB/GYN last January with what was thought to be one fibroid that she recommended we remove because it could hinder my getting pregnant. She did laparoscopy and found the fibroid was larger than expected and did not want to touch it for fear that she could ruin my fertility. She referred me to a RE that specializes in removing fibroids. He actually found 3 fibroids by Ultrasound and decided that he wanted to wait 3 months. He gave me a shot to stop my cycle for 3 months in hopes that they would shrink before he did the laparoscopy. He scheduled my surgery in June. When he did the laparoscopy he found some smaller fibriods and decided to do a hysteroscopy in order to remove all the fibroids cleanly. He told me I had to wait 6 months before I can attempt IUI. I was pregnant after the second attempt. I don't think any of my fibroids were as large as yours. I would recommend seeking a second opinion with a fertility clinic if you are not using one now. My RE was a godsend. He told me from my first consultation with him that the fibroids would not cause my infertility. Best of luck to you.
  • Oh I meant to say that I had 7 fibroids removed last June.
  • This is a complicated matter. Depending on the size and position of your fibroids, removing them could interfere with implantation or leaving them in place could lead to miscarriage. I had mine removed and easily became pregnant and carried to term, but risks are different in every case. Definitely work with an RE, not just an OB/GYN on this issue.
  • Discovered I had small fibroids in July '05 and was scheduled to see a doctor but a little thing called Katrina nixed those plans. In the interim I found a man I thought was going to be my husband and tried to get pregnant figuring that I didn't have much time since I was 37. Well, 20 months later, no pregnancies and the fibroids had grown enough for one to be size of a a large grapefruit (my doctor still pats herself on the back for successfully removing it). Fibroid was literally taking up my entire uterus making it impossible for a fertilized egg to implant.

    Unfortunately, the future husband became an ex, and it took my 40th bday to make me decide to pursue ICI with a donor. Have had lots of tests to check out my ovaries, tubes and uterus and everything looks good to go. Start my first insemination in a few days (and hopefully my first success pregnancy).
  • NOLADarling...welcome to the boards and good luck on your first IUI.
  • Hey girlfriend... where in N'awlins are you at? My folks are in Gentilly over on DeBore Drive.

    I'm also in the same situation concerning the fibroids and currently scheduled for surgery on the 24th. Seems one that is shrinking is also pressing into my uterus so I have to wait for the FOURTH time for my next IUI.

    What type of surgery did you have??
  • N'awlins gal: How're you doing? I decided to go ahead with my IUI today so I just started on the trek again...
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