feeling bloated?

I just had an IUI done on monday ,since then i feel reallllly bloated.I am thinking it could also be the pregnyl shot but that was done on saturday...has anyone felt this way?


  • Hey girl..if you go to twoweekwait.com, there seems to be a lot of people saying bloating was a symptom in their TWW.. check it out. Click on TWW symptoms
  • Hey what does AF stand for?
  • Hey lethasue,
    AF stands for aunt flow a.k.a menstrual period :)
  • yeah, I figured that out..so many acronyms..did you go to twoweekwait.com?
  • Thanks lethasue the twoweekwait.com very helpful
  • You bet...I feel like I am sooo hyersensitive to everything my body is doing these day cuz I read every one of the preconception posts on twoweekwait.. lol..I am on day 9 (at 9pm it will be day 10..lol) and honestly I have felt not much of anything. I notice my urine kinda has a strong not so pleasant smell (not that the smell of urine is ever pleasant, but a little more so unpleasant), but I don't know if I am looking for symptoms or if they mean anything. My bb's don't hurt as much as they normally do. But other then that no pain, or bleeding or anything all these other posts have experienced. I mean I am very sensitive to EVERY SINGLE feeling, but even with that said I haven't been able to really pinpoint any significant difference day to day. I tested yesterday BFN, I didn't test today cuz I am tired of negatives.. I will just wait cuz I see the doc for a fratility work up on the 3rd, I will have her take blood. I am for some reason not feeling it. Its frustrating frankly. How are you and your parner holding up Mariam?
  • I here ya,lol every symptom i read on the there i was like "do i feel that"? do my boobs hurt lmbo,what day am i on ,girl it was funny.I feel like i"m going to get my period though just some crapming coming and going. i guess i'll just have to wait it out :). My doc told me to test sept.8,but i dont think i can wait that long . i will probably start testing around the 3rd.man it is frustrating doesn't seem like 2ww it seems more like 2 months lol I'm only on day 4 jeez...as for my partner she is calm and collected ( i am hating her right now;)
  • P.S. i have been really moody the past two days,maybe its the progesterone pills
  • So, I am on day 11, at about 9pm it will be day 12..lol. My partner say's because we inseminated at 9pm we cant count a day ahead till 9pm.. we bickered about it for a minute, but she won. So I am on day 11 (12) ;o) So far no symptoms at all.. I don't feel anything different. Melissa is pretty calm too, she is the optimistic one and I am the one that say's nah...didn't take. lol..I havent been moody, if anything really rested. Sept 8th huh, what day is that on your TWW? We have a doc appt on Sept 3rd, It will be the first time we have seen a doc through all of this. Kinda went in blind...learning a lot 4 months later..lol.. How you feeling today?
  • Lets see on my tww it will be day sixteen,feel much better today thanks for asking,how about you?
    wow your on day twelve i hope i can make it that ffar,things are looking good for you:))
  • Hey Miariam..So my BB's hurt like hell today. I dont know. Its usually a sign of PMS so it doesnt make me hopeful. Today is 13.. I hate to say I dont feel it... I will see what the doc says on the 3rd. It will be the first time I have seen a doc so she can do a whole fertility workup and check out the goods. Maybe I have to go the med route too, whatever it takes. This is gonna be a million dollar freakin baby!! lol..
  • sorry. Mariam...spelled it wrong nd also forgot...HOW THE HECK ARE YOU HOLDING UP??
  • You are so funny.. million dollar baby lmbo(it does get a bit expensive)
    dont give up just yet... a friend of mine is almost two months preggo and she said the only sighn she had was bbs hurting she thoght she was getting af too but she was wrong:)so hang in there.I have been very tired today took a good two hour nap and was dreaming about ridiculous things..did have a sharp pain on my right side too.. that only lasted about an hour.I still have a week to go so we will see :)
  • Sept 3rd is only a few days away girl! That is when I test at the docs office too! I didn't sleep at all last night! It was an awful night.. You seem to be having some stuff going on..I hear vivid dreams and sharp pains are some symptoms..soon we shall see..one week will go by faaaaaaaaaast!!
  • I'm so happy for you girl, only four more days...
    i will have you in my prayers. Have you tested at home yet?
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