IS there anyone who has insomnia in general before getting pregnant? Just wondering how others are dealing with falling asleep, not related to pregnancy reasons. I've heard ambien is Class c, some sites say class b, my dtr told me it's okay to use it and she said it was class B, but I don't want to and can't think of anything else to help me sleep. I had my 1st IUI and waiting but tried not to take ambien and it was a struggle. It's causing a lot of stress.
It is addictive, so I would be cautious.
I've been taking it myself--I've had my first IUI and I'm in the TWW.
Hope this helps.
thanks for your response, many medical people have different opinions since I have been asking. I also had my 1st IUI and TWW and still taking the ambien, 5mg, I was told Unisom was not good. My RE says ambien is okay, an obgyn prefers lavendar oil but it doesn't work....are you currently taking it now since your 1st IUI?
I will keep positive thoughts for you and I in our TWW!!!!