
Unmedicated success?

hi ladies-
just ended my second 2WW with a BFN! so sad! i am going to try one more IUI (b/c of $) and i was wondering if anyone has any tips on what i can do to maybe boost my chances with this one? i do not have any fertility issues (that i know of) and b/c it may be my last, i want to do all i can to help make it happen. anyone have success w/o meds with an IUI? suggestions? thanks i appreciate it.


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    It's funny you posted this because I am in the exact same boat. My second IUI ended in a BFN too! I'm running out of money as well and getting discouraged. I was possibly considering some acupuncture before and after the procedure if I can get it relatively cheap from a friend. I actually had femara with both IUIs and even though things looked good both times no success. I wish I had a good suggestion. Maybe someone else will for both of us.
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    I had 3 IUI's, during the second one I asked them to do an ultrasound to see how many folicles were growing and we discovered that the egg was ready to drop before I was scheduled to ovulate naturally. I was so stressed with the process that it pushed out the ovulation.

    Anyway, for the 2nd and 3rd try I had a mid cycle ultrasound (they look at the size of the folicles and the lining) and then they told me when to have the trigger shot. I did it, and went in for an IUI 36 hours later. I didn't use any fertility drugs. Not sure if this helps but a mid cycle ultrasound might be an option to consider.

    I am now 12 weeks pregnant with a healthy boy (I just had a CVS test).

    Sending best wishes your way.
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    hi tawnyae-
    congratulations! thanks for the info. i've read the posts and noticed trigger shots alot but don't know much about them- what are they and what are their purpose? that has to be timed too?
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    A trigger shot simulates the LH Surge. An LH surge is what triggers your body to release the egg for ovulation. The reason that has to be timed is because your eggs might not be ready to be released.

    You give yourself the shot between 8-10pm at night in your stomach. The next day when you take your ovulation test it shows the surge.

    For example in my case, on CD 11 the doctor found that my folicle was 20mm so he gave me the shot to take home that I had to have it that night. The IUI was scheduled for approximately 36 hours later. Let me know if that helps or if you have other questions.

    Glad I could help. I learned alot through the process. Good luck!!
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    hi tawnyae-
    thanks for the info- looks like i won't be using or inquiring about the trigger shot to my Dr. i came home from work today, tested, and got a smiley face. i was SOOOO NOT ready for it today. it is too early in my cycle. i almost didn't test tonight b/c i thought for sure i would have a couple days. i'm glad i did and didn't miss the opportunity this month. IUI tomorrow and then we wait. thanks again for your help. i appreciate it.
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    Hi Tracy,

    How did the IUI go? Sending you positive thoughts.

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    hi tawnya-
    the IUI seemed to go ok, nothing out of the ordinary, very similar to the first two. thanks for asking and thinking of me. how are you feeling? i'm trying not to think about it but having a rough week. my dad was admitted to the ICU sunday and have been up there most of the days- which keeps my mind off of this- and i found out my sister is pregnant with her second. ugh! i'm trying not to stress. i'll keep you posted.
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    OMG the trigger shot is in your STOMACH?? Crap!
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    Hi Tracy,

    That sounds like a rough week. I hope your Dad is ok and I remember thinking how can everyone get pregnant so easily...why not me. Maybe it just isn't your time yet. I know it's hard, hang in there and I am sending good thoughts your way.


    Suggestion for the trigger shot, put ice on the spot first and you can't feel it. I also had someone else give it to me.
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    hi tawnya-
    BFN! so sad! that was it, my last try. i haven't thought about it much b/c work keeps me busy but have cried myself to sleep since sunday. i just can't believe this is how my life is supposed to be. it just doesn't seem fair- all b/c of money! hope you are feeling well. good luck!
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    I am truly sorry Tracy. I can relate to the feeling of "I can't believe this is how my life is supposed to be". Maybe now just isn't the time but it will happen when least expected. My thoughts are with you.

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