I'm new to this cryobank

Hello if anyone can please help me and my wife. In how we can GT started, we are both females and would like to get pregnant. Would really like some gideance in were we should start. Thank you.


  • Hi there and welcome! You have an exciting and emotional journey ahead of you. My wife and I are on our 4th round of IUI. There's certainly a learning curve to this whole thing. We started by finding a fertility clinic and getting a consult. Since my wife will carry, she had to get blood work for a baseline and a general physical to make sure we were good to proceed forward. From there, we began our search for a donor. I found this to be the most difficult part. Since my wife will carry, we chose a donor who has many of my features and personality traits. You can purchase different subscription levels on this website which allow you to access information about the donors. We spent a lot of time reading the medical history on each donor. We selected a top 10 and the narrowed down to a top 3 and finally selected a donor. Being our 4th try now, we have actually switched donors as our first selection ran out of vials but same process to select a new donor. Pay attention to the CMV status on the donors being positive or negative. This is really important based on if the female carrying is positive or negative. Your doctor should explain this. Also, we intentionally selected a donor who already had previous pregnancies but that was just our preference. Your clinic may require you to sign a form with your donor number. Our clinic referred to it as an intent to order. This way the clinic knew that a specimen was heading there direction. Also be sure to order the vials and select an arrival date that your clinic is open. Our clinic isn't open weekends or holidays. If you haven't started tracking your cycle yet, then you should start doing so. First cycle day being when you start and then count forward. We typically start taking an ovulation test around cycle day 10 in order to track when my wife surges or ovulates. Being familiar with your cycle will help in determining when to inseminate. I'm sure this is information overload at this point, but I hope it helps. There is so much to learn about the process. There's also a whole new language as you'll discover on this bulletin board. Best of luck and feel free to ask any specific questions you might have. I'd be glad to answer them if I can. Of course this is all based on our own personal experience.
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