First IUI

I am doing my first IUI tomorrow and am soooooo nervous....anyone have any words of wisdom to share??


  • Wow! How exciting! Here's my advice:

    Relax. If you can give yourself some quiet time to lay around afterwards, that's always nice.

    Try to fill your 2 week wait with activities you love (and that will keep you busy). That is the hardest time.

    I still haven't figured out the right balance of optimism and realism. I've done this 4 times, and I think it is best to let yourself dream about it working and think positively, but not get sucked in by all of the "symptoms" you might experience in those two weeks, especially if you are doing this medicated; a negative result hurts more if you are absolutely convinced it will be positive.

    Finally, don't test too early. There is a reason they tell you two weeks. I haven't been able to wait the whole two weeks yet, but I try not to test more than a day or so early. Once you start testing, its hard to stop, and those tests are pricey. And if you are medicated, early testing can cause a false positive.

    Anyway, sorry I babbled on. I hope some of this helps a little. Good luck, hon! Keep us posted!
  • Thanks so much!! Luckily I am off work until January 3rd so I have plenty of time to relax. I am not medicated and my doctor is very positive and uplifting so that helps. That made me laugh about not testing at home because it's hard to stop....I just bought a test yesterday to have on hand! But I will hold out as long as possible. Thanks for responding!
  • jaimec, how'd it go?
  • Glad it helped, hon! Baby dust to you and kaylababy!
  • kaylababy - it went well, I hope! Didn't know what to expect since it was my first time and it was so quick! How was yours??
  • jaimec......My IUI went well. I guess. Who knows? It was very much like the other 4. It is a quick procedure. I feel like it should be more involved for some reason. It's weird to get up after laying there for 10 minutes and go about your business like nothing monumental may have just happened.

    Halfway finished the 2WW. Being busy for the holidays helped the first week pass quickly. I'm less anxious this time about the wait this time.
  • Did two sessions of my first IUI back-to-back, yesterday and today. Both vials were excellent, according to my doctor. No drugs and no trigger shot since we missed the right time -- ovulation test showed smiley face a night before the first time. Had a little pain and discomfort during the process due to irregular position of my uterus ( it is apparently tilted forward), cramping and spotting all day yesterday. Going to stay in bed today and take it easy :)
  • Congrats Muza! Thinking positive thoughts for you!
  • halfway through the 2ww, caved and took a hpt. negative but hoping it's just too early!
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