

Hi Scott,

My partner and I currently have vials of donor 5575 stored at CCB but one of the other moms wants to sell us her remaining vials. Some are at CCB so I understand the process with those but there is one that is at a fertility clinic at Columbia. Do you allow vials that have left CCB to be stored with our CCB vials currently there?If not do you have private storage companies that you work with that I can get contact info for?




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    Hi Jala -

    Unfortunately, regulatory restrictions prevent us from transfering any vial between non-family members once it has left our facility. In other words, if the vial is returned to us, our inventory system will not allow us to put it anywhere accept in the original owner's account.

    Perhaps your doctor can store it for you? Many REs have large storage tanks on site. You should also confirm with your clinic that they will accept a vial for insemination not shipped directly from a sperm bank.

    Best of luck,

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