Trying for #2

My husband and I will be trying for our second child in January (our daughter was born in September 2007 with #5586 and we are seeking vials for this donor!!!). We have only six vials in storage and our doctor does two back to back IUIs, so we are only guaranteed three attempts unless we find more vials available. We were blessed to conceive our daughter on the first IUI, on my natural cycle (no meds). I was 25 at the time, almost 26, and now I am 27 (almost 28). I also did acupuncture during that cycle and will be doing so again. I am praying it happens quickly, because I have such a strong desire to have at least two children and for them to be genetic siblings.

Can anyone else who has had success with IUI on their natural cycles tell me a little bit about the timing of your IUI? What time of day do you test to detect your LH surge? Once you detect your surge, when do you go for the IUI? I am never able to get a positive first thing in the morning, only late morning/early afternoon and into the evening. With my first pregnancy, I tested in the evening of CD 13, got a very close match for a positive, and went for IUIs on CD 14 and 15 (VERY dark positive on the afternoon of CD 14). I am just wondering if I should go for LH blood testing to take the guess work out of going on the right day. The biggest problem is that I have to call my doctor's office's hotline to schedule my IUI by 8:00 a.m., so if I can never get a positive OPK first thing in the morning, it makes it stressful for me to know if I'm going for the IUI on the right day. This month I am going to temp and use an OPK so that I can figure out if I'm ovulating when I think I am before we start this whole process.

Sorry for the rambling . . . if anyone has available vials of #5586, please contact me!
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