Pregnancies using # 14433

Hello , I was just wondering how many woman had successful pregnancies using #14433 ??? And how many vials did you purchase ? What cycle did you become pregnant ??? I'm excited to hear .


  • I'm using this donor as well, I would like to know the number of pregnancies within the last year
  • I am using this donor as well. We were not successfully on the first vial/cycle. Our second PT is pending.. So we are praying this one will take. I will let you all know.
  • Sprinkling baby dust your way, good luck
  • Hello Ladies,
    I am currently using this donor. I bought 3 ICI vials. The first cycle the count was 12 million, however that cycle was unsuccessful.The second cycle the count was 7 million, however that cycle was also unsuccessful. I'm currently on my third cycle, so insemination should be within a week or so. Sending everyone baby dust!! Good Luck Ladies!!
  • Keep us updated. I have in IUI coming up too. Im waiting on a call to see if I can trigger tonight!
  • HopefulLezmom let us know the count. also what donor did you use with bad sperm count?
  • I've used this donor, postive pregnancy with a baby girl unfortunately I had a stillbirth. I have 2 embryos left from this donor and plan on transferring again mid April. Best of luck to you ladies, and if anyone using or used him and want to connect let me know for the future.
  • Lex07: I had my IUI yesterday morning. The count was good. After thaw it was 10.6 million and 52% motility.

    Qs: im so sorry to hear about a loss but positive vibes going into your next one!
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