
Costs and Shipment

Which countries do you currently ship to (which ones allows it)?

How much should it cost monthly to try IUI, approximately?

Thank you.


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    While we ship to about 30 different countries, every country has individual laws about the importation and use of donor sperm. The best thing to do is to call our Client Services department to find out about you specific country or send an email to askccb@cryobank.com.

    Vials are about $450 each. International shipping varies by country, but plan on at least $400 per shipment. On average it takes about 4 cycles per successful pregnancy, so you should consider shipping more than one vial at a time assuming your physician can store the extra vials for you.

    Good luck,

  • Options
    Can you please confirm whether you ship to the Cayman Islands?

    Thank you.
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