
!st IUI Tomorrow!

Just needing to type out everything that's going on and if you have any words of advice or encouragement, that would be wonderful. This is mine and my fiance's first IUI and we're using Donor 14389. I took Femara once a day for 5 days on my cycle days 1-5 and I am now on cycle day 17 - my trigger shot was today and I had one big follicle on the left measuring at about 20.2 - our IUI is tomorrow at 3pm and I'm driving myself crazy with every board I'm reading and website I'm visiting. I know the odds of us getting pregnant on our first try are slim and I'm not quite sure how to not get myself psyched up. Anyway, do these numbers and days sound similar or normal?



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    Aloha Kara!
    Congrats to you and your fiancée! This is going to be a great adventure for the both of you. Biggest thing is that you gotta stay positive and just know that it does in fact take 3-4 tries for a successful IUI. It can definitely happen on the first time though.

    Here's mine and my wife's story...
    I took Clomid on days 3-7. I had my mid-cycle ultrasound on day 11. At that ultrasound I had one follicle measuring about 16mm. We made the decision to give myself the trigger shot on day 13 @ 2AM in the morning. Day 14 I had my IUI, 33 hours after the trigger shot. That was on 30DEC16. We had great numbers, from what the doctor said. We had 15million sperm!! Then the TWW started. It was the longest two weeks of our lives! I was told to take a HPT on 13JAN17. I made it through the first week of the TWW and start taking cheapo HPT on 08JAN17 to track if the trigger shot had exited my body. Which it had. I got a BFN. I continued to test daily because it made me feel better. LOL. Continued getting BFNs then finally 13JAN17 came. I was super stoked to wake up and take a HPT. Unfortunately I got another BFN. I went to my doctors and had blood drawn to test that way, even though my missed period isn't until 17JAN17. I woke up Saturday morning, 14JAN17, and my wife was up and ready for me to take another HPT. So I went into the bathroom and took another test. After about 2 mins, it was showing an BFN, so I just went and laid back down in our bed. I had already come to terms that it just didn't work this round and that was okay. Like I said, it takes 3-4 tries on average to have a successful IUI. Next thing I know, I hear my wife yelling from the bathroom, "Honey!!! There is a faint second line!!!" I told her to stop playing and that's not funny. So she brought be the HPT and sure enough, there was a very, very faint second line. So faint, that it would have been easy to never even notice it, unless you were in the right lighting. I was in complete shock because this meant we got a BFP 15dpiui. We ate breakfast and jumped in the car to buy a digital HPT, that way there is absolutely no guessing, it would tell us directly if I am pregnant or not. When we got back home I took that digital HPT and it was another BFP!!!! We were both still in shock, so we ended up taking two more tests after that. LOL. Both which were BFP!!! Today, 16JAN17, 17dpiui, I get the results back from my blood test. The blood test confirmed, BFP!!! We are so happy and still shocked that our first IUI turned out to be a BFP!

    We both want to let you and your fiancée know that it CAN happen! Most important is to stay calm, keep busy, and don't stress. You know what the average is, so you need to just remember that. Baby dust to you!!! Please keep us updated on y'alls journey!! If you ever have any questions about anything during your TWW, please do not hesitate to ask. I felt so much during my TWW, that caused me to freak out a little and I ended up calling the nurse advice line about nothing pretty much! I can't imagine how I am going to be once this little one comes along. LOL.

    You can feel free to contact my wife and myself on here or email west121416@gmail.com

    Again, BABY DUST FOR YOU!!!!!!
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