
Donor 13569 Any one pregnant with this donor?

Donor 13569 Any one pregnant with this donor?


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    Hi Lvettina,

    I just found out yesterday that I am pregnant and I used donor 13569! I'm very excited!
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    Congrats Ninasthinking! wow!
    how do you feel about taking this path to motherhood, I think about it everyday...what to say to my baby about his/her other half of DNA....and getting pregnant from someone I will never know.....how do you feel?
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    Hi lvettina,

    I haven't taken a look at this forum in a while but did want to respond to your question. First many thanks for the congratulations. It took me about a year of soul searching, therapy, and letting go of the life I thought I was going to have before I started actively trying. Now that I am expecting (due in August, 2014) I am so incredibly happy that I made the decision to become a SMC--not a day passes that I feel like I made the wrong decision. Since becoming pregnant I have found a great group of women in my community that are going through the trying process/currently expecting/have had children using donors. It's been helpful to hear from moms about how they answer those really hard questions---like how their 4 year old is going to complete their family tree project at school when they don't have a father and all of the questions that has raised. At the end of the day, I can only hope that my little girl will understand and feel how much I love her and that I wanted to be her mother so much that I was willing to take a leap of faith that my love will be enough. I gave donor 13569 a nickname to help personalize the process for me, and maybe my daughter and I will continue to call him by that name until she does get to meet him and learn who he really is (if that day comes). Best of luck to you on your journey to motherhood!
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    Hey there,

    We have just purchased donor 13569 and will start trying next month. Wondering if anyone who used this donor can share a baby pic if you have had a successful pregnancy?

    So curious to see what our future baby might look like! You can email us an anonymous pic at donormama4@gmail.com

    thanks in advance.
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