
donor 13629

I had a quick question about donor 13629. It says his gpa for his bachelor's degree was 2.94. Is that correct? If so do you know if that was out of a possible 4.0? Intellect is one of my biggest factors in choosing my donor.

Thank you!


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    Hi, not to butt in or anything but I would personally not choose a donor, or measure their intelligence based on a GPA score seeing as many, many genius's had poor test scores, or bad grades for many reasons etc. Sometimes the most intelligent humans flunk out of school because their minds aren't being stimulated enough, which leads to poor grades.
    Listen to their audio interviews, read their essays, their intellect will shine through by listening to them more than a simple number can tell you. One of the smartest donors here may have a GPA of 2.0 and one of the most average donors may have a 4.0.
    Just depends on what their like in school, how much they studied etc. Intelligence may or may not be inherited, but don't compromise on a donor because of a score.

    Good luck!:))
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    Hi All -

    Yes, GPA is out of 4.0.

    I would always recommend looking at the donors as full packages. They are each a unique individual made up of various characteristics, talents, interests, and backgrounds.

    Having a MENSA member as a genetic parent has far less influence on a child than having education supported and encouraged in the home, reading to them or with them every night, keeping them intellectually stimulated in their early developmental years, etc.

    Likewise, plenty of brilliant people didn't have parents with 150 IQs.

    Nature vs. Nurture is always an interesting topic. Maybe others would like to weigh in with their own experiences?


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