
First time...with infertility issues Please help

My name is Lisa and I'm 30 from fresno, cali.
My wife and I will be trying to get pregnant soon. I have endometriosis and just recently found out that my left tube is a hydrosalpinx....basically its distended and filled with fluid or possibly my endo.
I was wondering if anyone out there with the same or similar issues has conceived and carried okay.
I was told that I have a higher chance of getting an ectopic pregnancy if it was conceived in my left tube. My HSG only showed spillage on my left side, so it is open and that is good, but we aren't sure about the right side because nothing spilled out that side.

I'm about to start medroxyprogesterone any day to make sure that I have a period this month. I was told that after that I will be put on clomid to help me ovulate because I'm not ovulating, or I am but the prior estradiol and norethrindrone kept giving me negative OPK results

Any advice would be great....

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