
First IVF attempt getting closer!

After several IUIs with myself and my wife, we are finally getting ready to start all the prep work for IVF. We are going to use her eggs and I will carry. Later this week or early next week we start our ultrasounds and testing, but I don't think we will start our stims until the following cycle. I know that you all don't know me, but if anyone reads this, please say a pray or two for us. I pray each day for everyone going through this journey to have success and fulfillment. I'm so excited for success and scared of failure. I honestly thought we'd get pregnant via IUI with no problems but here we are travelling down this IVF path. It's scary and exciting and stressful and pretty much every emotion I can think of. I have so much respect for everyone making it through this struggle each day. Try to be positive and thankful for every gift we have been given in our lives.
Sorry so long, I'm just so ready to get this next step going :)


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    Frankie2013 I saw this and I wanted to say I wish you guys the best of luck. I also decided to do IVF after several IUI tries and it worked. I am now 8 months pregnant with a baby girl and I am carrying my wife's egg. It has been an amazing journey and our angel will be here shortly. I want to encourage you to be patient and don't stress it will work out and you will get pregnant. The best of luck to you.
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    skbaby, thanks for the response and giving me hope. Congratulations on your pregnancy!!! I think it is so exciting that we can carry our wife's eggs. Praying for a safe and easy delivery for you :) Please keep me updated when you can.
    Also, was it your first IVF procedure or did it take more tries?
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    Thank you so much. It worked on the first IVF try.
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    I think we should share experiences. You can ask me anything because it was so many things that I just simple didn't know. Being pregnant there are still things that I am learning. My email is Shermai2009@gmail.com. I'm happy for you as well and hope you guys have an amazing journey to parenthood.
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    step one...we both start BCP tomorrow. Hopefully getting closer.
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    well...my wife has 4 estrogen producing cysts so we have to wait it out for next cycle and check her again. Anyone who sees this, please say a prayer for us if you would.
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