
Issues with Donor 13563

I know for a fact that mentioned in 2 other topics was an issue with this donor. Now the post is gone and deleted. Im not sure if it was taken down by the publisher or if CCB took upon them to remove it. If that is the case and CCB is removing posts I think it is just horrible. People choosing should be informed of any and all issues. Not to say the issue was with the donor but all issues while using a donor should not be removed by the admin of this page.


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    pretty sure your posts are still up.

    Like this: http://www.cryobank.com/Bulletin-Boards/messages.cfm?threadid=F8092EC9-782B-CB45-4AE87B8FD23CDCEF

    Do a search of your donor and I think you'll see your posts/
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    Parisny it was not my post it was from another person. The admin removed it... I dont want to go into detail on here because its not my "story" to tell but I will say that this donor was used by someone and many issues occurred.
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    Hi All –

    When we have an unfortunate report of a birth defect we take it very seriously. Any report of a medical issue in a pregnancy or child is reviewed by our Genetics Department, medical director, and consulting geneticist to evaluate any risk to other families and the management of the donor. We have a detailed protocol that includes investigating the issue and if necessary, contacting any family we feel may be at risk with their current or future children.

    Please note that every woman has a 3-4% chance to have a baby born with a birth defect, regardless if the pregnancy resulted from natural conception or donor insemination. These birth defects usually occur by chance (spontaneous mutation) and cannot be prevented. Please also keep in mind that our clients may not know that they have an increased risk to have a child with medical problems, unless they also have a thorough family history evaluation. Our genetic counselors are trained medical professionals who can also evaluate your medical history and inform you about preventive measures and genetic testing options that you may want to consider for your family. For more information, please contact our Genetics Department at 877-943-6384.

    In general, we try not to edit posts on the Bulletin Boards. However, when there is a post that may create unnecessary panic or includes partial or incorrect information, it is our responsibility to take it down. We have been in contact with the family that posted the message in question and they are completely comfortable with it being taken down.


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    Well thats weird because she messaged me to tell me that she didnt feel it was right that it was taken down. She felt that people should be informed of any and all issues. I think by you removing the post shows that you are just trying to cover your butt and not let others know the actual truth. She never said the donor was the reason for the issue.. so why it was taken down is just garbage! Its all about making money, and keeping everyone calm and quiet... When the truth is people deserve the chance to know and you filtering it is just lame
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    Hi All -

    We do not discuss the private lives of our clients in a public forum. Our priority is the health and well-being of the families using our services.

    The nature of the post was vague and potentially misleading. We did not feel it was in the best interest of the message board audience to receive incomplete information. As it is difficult to explain the details without disclosing private information, we will simply state that there is no indication that the donor in question poses any increased risk of passing on a genetic issue. Regardless of the specific nature of the original post, the context left room for concern for other families that was unwarranted.

    Anyone is welcome to post on this board, but when there are not facts or test results to allow us to answer questions that may arise because of said post, it will remain CCB's policy to act in the best interest of all our clients. This may include clarification or removal of any post.


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    I agree with you Sampson. I feel they took it down so others wont be alarmed. At the end of the day, it's really about them making money. However, I still plan to use one of their donors to conceive in the near future. I don't think it's fair to remove certain post that they don't like. Every cryobank gets some type of complaints. I would rather use a bank that was honest. Instead of one that tries to hide it's faults.
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    I have two vials available of 13563 at a great rate. Let me know if you are interested.

    Email me: Jenniferat33@yahoo.com
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