Posts: 3
I am Beatriz. I am 40 and with some fertility issues. But I do have a question. My doctor hasn't told me the difference between IUI and ICI. Can someone explain to me the difference? Does one give you better chances than the other?
IUI sperm is sperm that has already been washed, and is usually placed inside your cervix by a doctor. The ICI sperm still has the boy "goo" with it and has a higher sperm count but thats because the dead sperm hasn't been washed away. If you order ICI sperm you can do an insemination at your house because you just put it in her vagina as close to the cervix as you can get, or you can have your doctor wash it and then you can use it as IUI sperm. They say that the IUI procedure has a slightly higher rate of working but I think thats mainly because your cycle is usually monitored by the doctor and they are performing the procedure. When you do it at home you are kind of on your own with the monitoring and thawing and such. Hope some of that helped!