eleven dpiui

Any one out there on day eleven of the tww....so weird for the last couple of days no symptoms what so ever hmmm...last week i was very moody,had bad cramps,sleepy, and felt bloated i thought af was gonna show and now nothing what gives?


  • I even went for a run this morning felt real good:)
  • Any news????
  • OOOOPS -- I'm a few days early to ask. Sorry! Hang in there!

    I felt like I was going to get my period too -- but I never did. Hoping you won't either. :)
  • Hey its so good to hear from ya,hows the pregnancy going? I have four more days to go..what day did you test?
  • I read, in another post, that af arrived Mariamr, and I'm so sorry. Please don't give up on 12138 --I know he can get the job done!

    I got impatient and tested on Day 8 -- got a negative. Retested on Days 14 & 15 -- both were positive.

    So far so good for me and Harry B, here. Hit my twelfth week and my first trimester screening was good (at least the ultrasound was; still waiting for the blood tests).

    And no, I don't know for sure he's a boy -- I just have a gut feeling.

    When do you try again?
  • Hi drmchk,
    wow first trimester already thats good news,well as for me i just had iui done yesterday so i guess i will find out oct.5 if af doesn't show up before time.I haven't given up on him its me i'm worried about just have so many complications: i have pcos,only have my left fallopian tube, had my right one taken out last year and had surgery on both of my ovaries so my chances are pretty slim...god knows i need a miralce:) i'm praying like crazy but what ever the outcome i know i tried and did my best...sorry for rambling on had to let it out just a little dissapointed here.
    a mother knows best go with your gut feeling if its a boy than its a boy:) wish you best of luck