
11769 No Look-a-likes?? No Baby Photo??

Hello. My partner and I have narrowed our search down. However, it would be of great help if you can provide us with some updated information. For example, donor 11769 does not have a baby photo, nor is there a staff impression look-a-like since 2008. Can you please help us?. Thank You in advance.


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    Hi msvelez -

    Unfortunately, this donor has opted not to provide a baby photo. His Look-a-Likes and Up Close and Personal will be completed as soon as we can. He was just released in January '10 for the first time. It takes a little while after a donor is released for these final two items to be completed since they are new and not part of the qualifying process like the other donor info items.

    In the meantime, there is ample free info available (short profile, staff impression, essay), as well as his Long Profile, Keirsey Report, Audio Interview, and Facial Feature Report for purchase.

    I'm not sure what other "updated information" you are looking for?

    For the record, this donor retired from donating after a very short time and these limited number of vials are all that will be available. Once they are gone he will not have any more.

    Good luck,

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