LH Surge this AM - question
Posts: 4
I had first LH Surge this morning and only test once a day. Therefore, my prior test was at 6AM on Sunday morning. I'm afraid I may have had LH surge sometime yesterday afternoon, and should be inseminating this afternoon.
Should I go in tomorrow morning as planned with insemination, or try to see if Dr. would schedule me this afternoon? My only concern is that I missed a huge timeframe in my surge because I was testing 24 hours apart. I just don't want to be too late. Someone with advice please?
Should I go in tomorrow morning as planned with insemination, or try to see if Dr. would schedule me this afternoon? My only concern is that I missed a huge timeframe in my surge because I was testing 24 hours apart. I just don't want to be too late. Someone with advice please?
i hope that helps some.
For all others that will be testing their LH Surge...You should really test more than once a day! Only testing once a day gives you too much of an opportunity to miss your surge! I know it's expensive, but it was worth it to us...we knew that I ovulated on CD15, but to be on the safe side, on CD12 and 13 we tested 3 times a day and on CD14 and 15 we tested 4 times a day.
Good luck and KUP!
And to add to above about LH surge multiple testing - I couldn't agree more. After my :) face appeared so early on Monday morning after having only tested 24 hours before, though I was happy, I wish I had tested even just twice a day to have that peace of mind of a more narrow pinpointed time frame of the LH Surge.
Best of luck to all.
Best Wishes and Baby Dust to you :)!!!
Ironically the ONLY test that I have seen that tells you what times you SHOULD test for your LH surge (and tells you WHY you shouldn't use first morning urine) is the one I bought from Dollar Tree. It says to test between 10:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. The package my RE gave me also says to test between 12:00 and 2:00 p.m.
At any rate - Clear Blue Digital OPK says it doesn't matter what time you test as long as it's at the same time each day. Go figure! However, from what I've read (after the fact) - testing should not be done in the morning because often times a positive reading will not show until the afternoon. I tested 3 mornings in a row - all negatives - then on Monday got a positive. I'm thinking I may have had initial surge on Sunday afternoon.
IF I have to do this all over again, god forbid, I would definitely not test again in the morning and test twice a day. The worrying about the timing is so nerve-racking. Fortunately, my ultrasound yesterday indicated I was close to ovulation - my only concern is how close as I had IUI, Monday and Tuesday PM.