
Donor 13251--extra vials?

I have one vial left of 13251 and while I was fortunate to get pregnant from the two vials I already used (one miscarry and one beautiful baby boy), I'm not sure I'll have the same luck when I try to get pregnant again. I'd really love to use the same donor so if anyone out there has any extra vials from this donor that they don't plan on using, I would love to purchase them from you...if that's even possible.

I'm kicking myself for not buying more than three vials.


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    Looking to buy extra vial for donor 13251!!!!!
    It took me about 4 years with IUI treatment to have my precious baby girl whom is now 15 months.At the time I was not able to conceive due to uterine fibroids and on last attempt I did not purchase enough vials of this donor because I wasn't sure I would end up pregnant after all. Miracles do happen. Now that I see her alone I would love to give her a sibling and they ran out of vials to my luck.
    If anyone has a spare I would love to buy it from you if not using or had a change of heart.
    It would be most greatly appreciated!!
    Thank you so much and god bless.!
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    Hi Wendy -

    Congrats on the birth of your little one!

    If you haven't done so already, you can contact Client Services and ask to be added to your donor's notification list so that we can email you if we receive any buyback vials. Also, be sure to report the birth of your child either by phone or by completing the following online form, so that we know that you are looking for sibling vials.



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    Hi Nicole,

    I called client services and asked to be contacted should any vials become available from donor 13251 and I was told that they could not do that.

    Was I misinformed?
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