

I'm sure you've had this question a million times and I've read up on it but I'm still not completely clear of the difference. Is there a higher chance at pregnancy with one than the other? I've always had the decision of IVF vs IUI and once I decided on IUI, I now have the ICI vs IUI to decide on. Please provide some information on this. Thank you,


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    Hi aka -

    Your chances of success have nothing to do with the vial type. It is the insemination procedure that matters.

    IUI has a higher chance of success because the sperm is placed into the uterus very close to the egg. Vitually all physicians perform IUI.

    ICI places the sperm only up to the cervix and lets the sperm find their way up to the egg. This is usually an at-home insemination attempt.

    Since you are having an IUI with your physician, you can purchase IUI prepared vials (washed by us prior to freezing), or pay your physician to wash an ICI vial post-thaw before insemination.

    The only thing to make sure is that your doctor does not wash an IUI because it will potentially lower the number of sperm available below recommended minimums.

    Good luck,

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