
Looking for support to start journey

I am planning for my first IUI in January. Yesterday, just broke up with (well, he broke up with me) the last in a long series of disappointing relationships/men. My plans for IUI were already in place having bought the vials in November.

Any thoughts, advice, support would be much appreciated.

Here is a little thing I wrote on Friday as the beginning of my journey. (Oh, I will be 39 in January, so really hoping I get a decent chance at this). I do sometimes still get scared! (both about not getting pregnant and just the magnitude of this choice).

For my unborn child ....

You helped me before you were even born. I hoped for you, prayed for you, yearned for you. When I decided I wanted to have you, suddenly, my work, study, and life came into focus. I had a discipline and a drive that I had been missing previously, all to prepare for your arrival.

I studied, organized my house, solidified my friendships, and mended broken relationships in my family. My interactions with my colleagues, my friends, even strangers, became lighter, all because of the hope and knowledge that you someday would arrive.

You are my son/daughter. You were desperately wanted and meticulously planned. You were so powerful that you could change my life before you were even conceived, before you were even but a few cells big. That is just how special you are.

You were meant to be, written into my life plans before I was even aware of you. You waited for the exact right time to come into my life. You arrived just at the time that I was best suited to care for you and nurture you into the amazing person that you would become.

You, my little nugget--with your beauty, your joy, your tenacity, and your insistence of being born--saved my life.


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    That is beautiful.

    Good luck with everything. I'm 34, I started in October, I'm 4 weeks pregnant now. I can not believe I conceived the first time around...praying so hard for a healthy pregnancy and healthy babies (or baby...I find out in 2 weeks how many...possibly 2).
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    Thank you for your response! I live in a fairly rural area, so I am not surrounded with tons of people who are doing this ....

    Though I do have two friends from college who were successful with donor insemination.

    congratulations to you! that's amazing! let me know how many they find -- are you hoping for 2?

    I have a good feeling for you!

    Was the initial decision a hard one for you? What clinched it? Did you do IVF? Or, clomid/injectables with IUI (just asking because you mentioned 2)?

    Thanks again for your response and best of luck to you! Where do you live?
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    I live in New Orleans. I personally did not know anyone who have gone this route until I started my journey.

    I am hoping for 2, I always wanted twins. It runs heavily in my family...my mom and grandma are both twins.

    I did IUI, my progesterone levels were low, so I did a round of clomid only. And when the dr did an ultrasound she saw 2 fat healthy eggs in there. So just waiting to see if one or both were fertilized. My ultrasound is December 17, so I have 12 days to wait. I really think it is two in there...I'm so bloated, I put on a dress this morning and said what woman who is a month along has a belly already??? LOL.

    I thought about it and started talking to my dr about it when I was 30. I had a few relationships in that time, and at the end of each relationship it made me think harder and harder about it.

    The beginning of this year I just decided this is the year. I have the rest of my life to find love, but not to have children. And any man who really loves me, will love my children and the decision I made. At least there is no baby daddy drama and no one else in the picture.

    I made my initial appointment 2 months in advance. So i got myself and my support system used to the idea. It all happened so quickly. And everyone is so ecstatic, and no one is even thinking of the way I conceived anymore...all we talk about is babies babies babies! My friends are waiting til I make the announcement to everyone to start planning a shower.
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    Hi Karen. I, like you have made the same choice. I am tired of waiting for that right person. I started thinking about it in June of this year. November I started here. The people on here are awesome. They give great advice. Ask questions and they will give you great advice. Everyone here is like a little Internet family. They are there to talk about the problems you are having and make you smile when you need it most.
    Welcome from one newbie to another.
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    Thanks everybody!!!! Congratulations Melissa!!! Soooo happy for you .... What a great success story! Do u know yet of its twins? Congrats again!
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    Hi, I am 35 and hope to have my first IUI attempt in January as well. I just completed all my testing and meet with my fertility specialist on the 19th to make our plan. SO EXCITED! I have thought of it for years, but after a miscarriage with a former boyfriend 1.5 years ago, I decided it was not something I could not be, a mother. I feel the same way, I have the rest of my life to find a man to be with. My sister has a 6 year old son from AI, so I have been up close and personal with this method. I wish you all the luck in the world. My biggest decision I am making now, is sperm choice. I am really having a hard time with that. :)
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