
Doing this on my own... Would love to meet other women who are in the same position...



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    willow11 thank you for your reply and congrats on your daughter! girls are so special and you are so lucky, I miss my daughter so much. she died 9 days old. I am so sad without her. I am going to use donor 14102 I so appreciate your reply, I am saving every dollar so I can go forward w iui. I have not purchased the picture option. I am so happy your iui was successful on the first try! that is so amazing and I am hoping that I will have the same luck! best of luck to you! so great! I am happy for you!
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    Can you tell me about your iui? I am so new to this and since you had such great success I was curious about how many vials you ordered and used? did you use clomid and trigger shot? how long after posititve opk did you inseminate? I know timing is everything and I just need some advice if you could lmk that would b awesome. ty so much, congrats again!
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    you will be just fine, continue your donor search you will know when you find the right one for you...best of luck on your journey.
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    d56, sorry for the delay. I don't get emails telling me about new posts and forgot to check back. I timed my cycles for 3 months, very closely. I did OPKs every month. So, I knew exactly when I was surging and probably ovulating. On day 3 of my last cycle I had lab work done to confirm normal hormones. I also had an ultrasound to look at my follicles. My OB said I had too many follicles to do Clomid (there is increased risk of hyperstimulation). So, on day 11 of my cycle I did an OPK at night which was negative. The next morning I tested again and it was positive. I went in and had another ultrasound which showed one follicle at 21mm (good). I did the trigger shot that day at 3pm. My sperm came the next morning (I had it overnighted) and I had the IUI at 11am. 14 days later I had a positive test. :-)

    So, positive OPK on Monday morning, trigger that day at 3pm, and IUI on Tuesday at 11am.

    Good luck!!!
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    Thank You so so much. I am so excited to have my consult in four days. I found my donor and it all just feels right. I am so hoping to have good news soon! You really helped me think that it is all very possible, and I appreciate your replies and advice! I will let you know how it all goes!
    thanks again.
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    Hi I am still in the research stages at the moment as I turn 35 in a few weeks and I like to do my research before making big decisions.

    I am actually a finance broker from Australia and I never really thought that this might be my path to motherhood but I have been career focused and kept thinking that when the time was right I would meet someone special and that hasn't happened.

    I refuse to be with someone just to have kids but I do want to be a mum so I am exploring this option.

    I am planning to fly to California to have iui and want to use an open donor so my child can find out about their biological father once they turn 18.

    I would love to hear from others who are in a similar position or have progressed further on some of the challenges and surprises you have experienced.

    I am fortunate to have great support in the form of my mother who will live with me for the first year and good friends but I still want to put myself in a stronger financial position before going through iui.
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    takiahlee, So glad to hear you are researching this out. I'm with you on not being with someone just because of kids. I strongly believe that a child is better with one happy parent than two miserable ones. Stay positive. My journey was going good and hoped to try on Monday but discovered this week that one of my tubes is blocked. Trying not to let that get me down. We are all here for you!

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    Hi wishi you are sucessful to have baby .
    I am chinese , and also planing to have baby by my own.
    you know it is more difficult for chinese to accept this thing .
    but the only thing make me worried is that how to explain to my children at future .
    and if the children can be grow up with healthy mentality.....

    wish we can share the expereince and wish good luck!
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    Also doing this on my own. I had my first unsuccessful cycle of IUI in September and am about to try again in a few days.

    Atari Lover I could have written the same post. Like Kenzie6255, I've also never felt pressured to be in a relationship, but I really want to be a mother. At 37, I've decided to go for it.

    Good luck everyone.
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    anyone on here from the COLO area? I am just in the starting stages, and am doing a "donor date night" party with my mom and sister over wine actually :) Loved ready what you all had to say, it is good to know that we are not alone in this. I am 37, and ready for my arms to be full :)
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    Love that you have your family support!!!! Best of luck!
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    Hello ladies! I am 31 so my experience has been a bit different. I don't so much feel lonely as I feel left out. All of my friends are now married and getting pregnant, and because I've decided to go the route of single mother by choice, I feel like I'm sometimes on the outside looking in. To change that I have started involving my friends in my processes so they can understand what it's like for me, at least as much as I understand what it's like for them. We had a picking party in which they reviewed and voted on my top 5 donor choices. We ate sperm/egg/sex/penis themed food (cocktail weenies, deviled eggs, candy sperm, and fruit-since it can be picked). We played games, went out for one last big hoorah...there were even swag bags! I thought my friends would just glance at the donor profiles before moving on the the partying but they really took it seriously. They read and highlighted like they were prepping for college exams. They considered my wants AND my personality, my strengths AND weaknesses. They studied and argued and ranked and in the end two donors stood out as favorites. I've since had one round of IUI and though it didn't take I sent my friends pictures of the vials before the sperm went in. When I get a BFP a friend will go with me for my first ultra sound and I plan to have friends in the delivery room when that time comes. I realize for some this is a personal, intimate experience but for me having the people I love involved every step of the way has made it fun and exciting! I almost forget I don't have a "partner." Best of luck to all.
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    DYMyselfbaby - That sounds AWESOME!!! I too an 31 (32 in a month and a half) and I felt the same, all my friends were having babies.
    I love that your friends are super supportive and taking it serious. I told everyone, and though they may not agree, they all support (of course expect that one friends who always tried to remind me how hard it is to have a baby). The only difference with us is that I chose to not tell many people I was going in. For me, it was more that I didn't want the pressure of the questions (So, how do you feel, find anything out, etc). I only told 4 friends/Family and 3 other SMBC that I was going in. I am now 1 week into my TWW. Everyone knows I am thinking/planning on doing it, but really no one knows that I have started. I must be honest though, your way sounds so much more fun!!!!!!

    Best of luck to you!!!!
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    Congratulations! I have already gone through the process and have a beautiful little boy. I was previously engaged and went through IVF with him 7 times and did a FET and nothing took. We ended our relationship and I decided to try again with a donor. I'm 35 and haven't met the right guy so I decided it's what I want and I would do it on my own. Best decision I ever made. Anytime you want to talk feel free. I know what you're going through.
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    So I am slowly progressing, I have an appointment with a fertility specialist this Thursday to start fertility tests and yesterday I booked flights to LA for August 2016 to come over and get my first IUI.

    I know this is still 10 months away but it gives me time to get as organised as I can be without putting it off for too long. I will get my first IUI one month before my 36th birthday.

    I like to come on the bullet board and follow other smbc's journey as it gives me hope and makes me less nervous.
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    TigressMama: I wanted to say hi and best of luck hun, I am also going at it alone...It is not easy. I can tell you though once you see that baby you will wonder how you lived without he or she. I lost my beautiful daughter ten days old to sids. I have to have another child. I cant even describe the love you feel. so incredible. nothing is comparable. I hope we both have our wish come true and become mothers very soon. This is our year!
    Good luck keep me posted
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    DoingItAloneDoingItAlone Posts: 62
    edited February 13, 2018 6:18PM
    prayers4ababy Would love to talk.
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    d56, thank you so much and my condolences for your loss. My very best wishes to you and all of us going through this!
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    I am 40 as well. Very nervous! Completely on my own! Family and friends do not approve or understand!
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    Hello, i'm just starting on donor picking for IUI next cycle. I'm also doing this all on my own, and would love to connect with other women in the same boat. It is a very lonely process, and my family is not participating in the process at all. I live in Connecticut, but travel to Western Mass frequently if anyone out there wanted to connect with me.

    Thank you.
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    Hi Gneiss_climber,

    I am also doing it on my own and hope to start the process soon. I agree, it is a very lonely process that can also be overwhelming. I also live in CT and would like to connect with women who are starting their journey in becoming choice moms. I would love to have a support group and someone to share my experiences with. Feel free to reach out. Good luck and best wishes to everyone who is in the same boat.

    Take care!! :)
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    Hello I'm Cathy I will doing the insemination next month I haven't picked my donor I have three I'm in interested in.I am so nerves about this but excited to be a mom.I am 34.
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    I'd like to join you guys. I am 37 single in NYC my email is wintersummer14392@gmail.com
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    It's really good to read these post. I turn 41 in less then 2 weeks. I thought i had found the guy, that i would have kids with, well that is no longer true,because he moved out last week. I have debating doing this for years. I will doing it all on mine own also. My biggest fear is that i will spend all this money and it doesn't work. I'm going to talk to my dr next week to get started on this process and hoping to try my first round in January. I never thought i would still be single at this age, but i have had horrible luck with dating, at my age i can't wait for Mr right to come long. If he comes long later, and wants to adopt my baby then great. I'm hoping for a girl, because of all the clothes i bought when my neices would spend the night.

    Thanks ladies
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    Hey ladies,
    I am from Springfield, MA. I am currently in cycle number 3 TWW. I would highly suggest joining the facebook group CCB Friends. It is a group of women sharing their experiences.
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