
Anyone tried 11356?

I'm switching donors since I haven't had any success with my last guy (#11695, gave it a few tries) and I realized he hadn't had any pregnancies, whereas #11356 has and otherwise fits the bill. So just wondering if anyone else has tried this donor?



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    Hi CSS, I'm currently on my second cycle using #11356. The first insemination his vial only had 3.8 million swimmers whereas we were guaranteed 15 million. This second cycle the vial total was 9 million still did not meet the guaranteed but I feel pretty good about this cycle. I am 11 day post iui and have tested since day 10 and all negatives. Good luck to you!!!!
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    Hi babyonboard,

    Thanks for responding. I just did my first medicated IUI with this donor yesterday, so fingers crossed for both of us!

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    Hi babyonboard,

    Just wondering how things turned out?

    I'm 7dpiui and just a tad obsessed ;-)

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    Hi CSS,

    Sad to report it was negative(:. I met with my RE on friday and I will try another cycle. I have until Tuesday to make up my mind if will continue with 11356 as this is my second cycle using the guy. Did your RE tell you what your numbers of your sperm count was? Also did you use the IUI or ICI vials? BTW, I know exactly how you feel with the obsession. Remain positive and things will work out for you :-)

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    Hi Babyonboard,

    So sorry to hear that things didn't work out, but hang in there.

    My RE didn't check the sperm count (she says the sperm washing just waters it down further), but she did look at a sample under a microscope (and showed me too) and the little swimmers looked great. Still, your comments on the sperm count made me wonder.

    This was my first cycle (IUI) with this donor and I'm still waiting on the results, but I'll let you know.

    Prior to this, I switched donors twice (used one two times and another 5 times--all IUI), so it's hard to say whether it's the donors or me (been tested and all is well, but...). Either way, it's frustrating, but here's hoping things work out soon for both of us!

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    Hi CSS,

    I'm just checking on you to see how things are going. Let's see with me I decided to use 11356 again,(something about this donor that's intriguing to me:-)sometime this weekend I will be having my third IUI (yay). I have taken femara with all three inseminations and produced great eggs. On this cycle I will try something a little different and get a trigger shot. We will see as I know it takes at least 3-6 cycles to get a pregnancy. Keep me posted on your status because it really gives me hope.

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    Hi Babyonboard,

    I like this donor too. He matches my hubbie's physical characteristics to some extent and his description and info sound great. It's funny because those descriptions make it sound like a dating site---tall, dark and handsome :-)

    I've done trigger shots for my last two IUIs and I'm hoping this time it helps. Never hurts to get the timing just right. I've also used Femara for the last two tries, plus Gonal-F shots. I even did shots to prevent ovulation this last time, so that my follicles could develop for a couple more days. By the end, I felt like a pin cushion, but I had three good eggs.

    It is supposed to take a few tries (esp. w/frozen sperm), but I must admit that after this IUI (my 7th), I may have to re-evaluate, in part because we're running out of money. But we'll see how it goes.

    My two weeks is up this Sunday, so stay tuned. And good luck with your IUI this weekend.

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    Hi Babyonboard,

    Just wanted to check in with you. I tested for several days before my 14th day (couldn't resist!) and the day of, and got all positives! I even doublechecked with another type of pregnancy test, and same thing.

    But I'm going to wait it out this week and see if I get my period or not before getting too excited. Then I'll confirm with a blood test. So stay tuned...

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    Hi CSS,

    First of all CONGRATULATIONS because you are definately pregnant. But I do understand wanting to have the blood test to confirm things.

    Well I had my IUI thi afternoon around 2:30 pm EST. The doctor seemed quite pleased with the quantity and quality of the vial. So I am now in the dreaded 2ww. My birthday is next tuesday and my husband is the 21st which is the day of my blood test. Keep me in your prayers as I will keep you in mine.

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    Hi Babyonboard,

    Thanks for the congrats, but I'm still somewhat uncertain. I had a blood test yesterday and tested positive, but my doctor was concerned that my hcg level was low (25, which is on the high end of the "maybe" category) and she wants me to test again. So I'm going back on either Friday or Monday.

    At the same time, I still haven't gotten my period and my possible pregnancy symptoms have continued, so I'm hopeful.

    Best of luck to you!

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    My prayers are with you. I read on another site where a person began with a low beta but ended up with a healthy baby. So its not over til its over. Remain hopeful everything will work itself out.

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    Well, I'm afraid things didn't work out. My hcg levels have dropped to 3, so basically I had a miscarriage (due to chromosomal abnormalities--happens a lot). The continued missing period and other symptoms were likely due to the progesterone I've been taking. Now I'm going to take a 1-2 month rest (doctor's orders) and think about what to do.

    In a weird way, I'm encouraged that I was able to get pregnant and I really do think it was this donor that did the trick. So I hope this doesn't discourage you at all and I wish you the best of luck.

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    I am presently 6 1/2 wks pregnant from this donor and just saw a heartbeat! I did have IVF w/ ICSI, so I don't know the counts and they are less relevant than to those of you ladies doing IUIs. My cycle went very well, though, and I have embryos in the freezer.

    Best of luck!
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    Need vials for 11356 for sibling
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