
So glad the message boards are back:)

I am so excited the boards are working again. For those of you who don't remember my story, I am 35. I had 4 medicated IUIs. Then added shots to my Femara on try #5. I got pregnant but sadly lost the baby at week 8. I was so nervous about trying again, but decided to try the first chance I had because I read online that the first 3 months after a D&C are your most fertile. So, I went for it. I broke down crying the first time I walked back into the dr's office. Emotionally, I don't think I was anywhere close to being ready, but my dr assured me medically, I was ready if I wanted to try. So, I went for it. To my suprise, it worked. I got my BFP on the first try after my miscarriage. I was so nervous. I kept telling people it was twins...I just felt it. I went for a sono at 6 weeks and sure enough, I am pregnant with twins from donor 12695! This week, I am 8 weeks. I am so nervous because this is where it went wrong last time. My dr is amazing though and did sonograms at 6 weeks, 7 weeks, and I will have one Tues at 8 weeks 4 days. So far, the twins are both measuring right on target. I have seen two strong heartbeats. I know I will be nervous the entire pregnancy, but I just want to get past this week and then on to week 12 so the risk is lower. I am so glad the message boards are back so I can vent my worries and share my joy. TWINS!!! No idea how I will afford day care, but I am sure I will figure it out:) Please pray they both stick, and I have two healthy babies. Morning sickness and fatigue are brutal right now though:/


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    Hey austingurl!!

    I was ready to give up on these boards, but something made me keep checking. ;-) I am soooooo happy for you! Twins, oh my goodness! I worried about getting pregnant with twins, but kind of hoped for them too, so I am excited for you!

    I'm currently 30 weeks along with a little girl, Sadie Rose! She and I are doing fine so far. I can't wait to hear about your journey through this process from here on out! Hoping your morning sickness passes quickly!

    Many prayers and positive thoughts coming your way, love!
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    Yay, message boards!!! How exciting to hear updates from familiar "faces"!!

    Austingurl, I was secretly hoping for twins so I could have a boy and a girl in one shot and not have to go through the stress of trying to conceive more than once, but alas, I'm 25 weeks with a single baby boy! Yay! Now, though, I'm a bit relieved its only one. You will figure out the finances - just think how much you spent trying to conceive each month and now you'll just pay daycare instead of your RE and cryobank, right? So happy for you! Just keep positive.

    eeh, so good to hear you're doing well also. You were my inspiration to continue when I wanted to give up trying to conceive!

    I'm 39 and my third try w/clomid (yuck) and trigger shot did the trick. I'm 25 weeks as of yesterday and my little man seems to be doing quite well and after the ickyness of the first trimester hormones, I'm feeling pretty good. Starting to get a belly now and the babe is getting quite active, so that's fun. I had a little pre-eclampsia scare last week, but I guess I'm just a serious sweller. I have the rest of my life to see the veins in my feet and feel my fingertips, so I'm not sweating it. I keep having to remind myself to be patient and enjoy the ride my body is taking me on, but I just can't wait to hold my baby boy!!! Oh, man, I'm getting teary-eyed so I better get back to work.
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    I am so happy to catch up with old friends. Congrats shonarb73!!!

    I am hoping for a boy and a girl, but my sister is convinced it's 2 girls. I just can't wait to find out and start shopping!!! I had a sono today. Both babies are measuring right on track at 8 weeks and 4 days. I am officially farther along than I made it last time. Two very strong heartbeats and both look perfect! My dr is referring to me a maternal fetal specialist since I am 35, had a miscarriage, and pregnant with twins. I will be monitored very closely and will probably be seeing a dr every other week during this pregnancy. My dr tells me with all the testing, that I might even know the sexes at 12 weeks because they will be doing lots of tests, including testing the babies' DNA. I am excited to find out so soon:)
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    Yay, shonarb73!! I'm so happy to see so many of us moving towards our dreams so successfully! :-) And what a positive attitude you have. Glad to hear it's not pre-eclampsia!

    Austingurl, I'm glad you they are taking such good care of you! And yay for finding out the gender so early. I was 19 weeks along when I find out, so you will get to shop a lot sooner. ;-)

    So far, so good; other than being tired and a bit hormonal, I have no adverse symptoms (knock on wood). No diabetes, anemia, or swelling (so far). That's good, because I'll have to teach til the bitter end to save up my sick for maternity leave.
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    I am glad they are back to. Congrats to all that found out they were pregnant while the boards are down. Austingurl you will have to share the sexes if you want when you know. What tests are you doing at 12 weeks to know the sex? I did not take the Maternal21 as it only tests 3 chromosomal issues I did do the amnio and everything came out okay. Sprout is doing well and we shall see sprout in less than 10 weeks. Where has the time gone.

    Eeh how far along are you. I felt awesome 2nd trimester fr about 6 weeks, great sleep lots of energy etc. I almost have my XMAS Baskets done (yeah I know they are early but since I am do the beginning of Nov they need to be done). Ever since I hit the 3rd trimester I seem tired all the time and more neasous then I had 1st tri. Doc said it is normal. We shall see. My swelling did not start till the 3rd tri either. My ankles get pretty big by the end of the day.

    I am doing well and cannot believe that LO will be here in less than 10 weeks.
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    Hey AnissaS! I'm 31 weeks; due Oct. 30, so just a tad ahead of you. Glad to hear that overall you are doing ok, and your amnio came back good- I know you were concerned about that. Little Sadie's blood tests all came back good, so I skipped the amnio, but everything has looked great so far. :-)

    Do you know the sex of your baby? No need to share if you don't want to- just curious. :-)
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    EEH yeah I was concerned about the amnio it was longer than the 2 ww. Yeah but being 42 at the time, I needed to make sure the baby was okay. The Nuecahl test was on the edge so I did it to make sure. Was amazed how expensive the test was. LOL

    My only issue now is the baby is breech and they would like the baby to flip as I have a 11 CM Fibroid that is taking up room for the baby to flip. So we shall see, I figure I will have the baby around your due date. LOL. Well see what happens.

    I am not sharing the sex, I do know. I will post when I deliver.
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    I don't know the name of the test AnissaS. I haven't met with the dr that will actually do it. I have an appointment with that specialist on 9/18 and will know more then. I am not even sure it will happen. My OB/GYN just mentioned it was possible. If it's elective and self pay, then I will probably wait. I have got to save all my money for when the babies arrive:) And waiting another 4-6 weeks won't kill me. I am just so glad to hear everyone is doing well.
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    Austingurl sounds like the Maternal21. Not sure on your age, since that test is done in conjunction with Neuchael (defintely self pay Maternal 21) and only tests for 3 chromosomal issues. I had the Amnio and things are okay. I know save the funds. Also remember a lot of the ultrasounds can be wrong to. I have been hearing from a lot of woman they were told they were having one sex and they had the other. I am like well maybe you were to early and they do make mistakes. I know for certain what I am having due to the amnio. No I am not sharing.

    Let us know how you are doing.
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    That's funny, AnissaS- lately I have been nervous about the sex being wrong- since I have told EVERYONE and I have a mountain of pink stuff from them all. I get one more ultrasound next week due to an off-center umbilical cord, so I'm going to ask them to take a good peek for me. ;-)

    And I think it is cool that you are keeping it to yourself. There is so little that we get to keep to ourselves when so many people are involved in our process. Can't wait to hear about your little sprout's arrival!

    And I agree- austingurl (and shonarb73), keep us posted. :-)
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    eeh876 - Yeah I have ultrasounds once a month to check on the growth of sprout. I have a 11 cm fibroid in there so they cannot get accurate measurements any more (oh wait they never could). LOL

    I have not bought anything for the baby. Will buy when the baby is born. Silly Jewish Tradition about bringing anything in the house. Oh wait I bought a diaper bag but since it is not a normal diaper bag I brought it int he house. I am staying with my folks for 2 months so I will buy some stuff for there when I go down in 2 weeks, but I have nothing for Sprout when it is born. Mom will have my credit card and can go shopping.
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