Gender Prediction
Posts: 202
For those of you who are pregnant or have had a baby, how soon were you able to find out the sex of the baby. My nurse said the dr will be able to tell me at my 12 week scan. I am wondering how accurate this will be. I read online that one study showed an 88% accuracy rate at 12 weeks, but it just seems so soon to me. Just wondering how much shopping I should do after my 12 week scan on Monday.
just so you know, I am 8 months now and have done NO SHOPPING at all. Oh wait I bought the car seat. I am not planning on buying anything until after Sprout is born. In the Jewish Religion we buy nothing until after the baby is born.
Not sure that helps or not. I know everyone wants to go shopping but I thought long and hard about it and decided not to. I want to and have seen lots of great outfits, but remember the outfits change and you may not need winter clothes. Also you have no idea the size etc of the babies so you may not need newborn clothes but 3 - 6 months etc. I would hold off if you can. I did register at 6 months but didn't buy anything.
Let us know what you decide.