New and Clueless...Help!

Hello everyone, I am so happy that there is a forum where I can ask questions without feeling like such a dummy! :/
I am a single 37 year old female and after careful consideration and mainly because I haven't found my prince charming I will be taking this journey on my own...
My question are....
What should I be asking my gyno when I go in for my visit....
What tests should I expect? Should I start taking pre-natal pills now? Does the IUI hurt?


  • Hi and welcome. I was the queen of questions too! I carried a little notebook to all my appts with my questions and to record all the info I got!

    Here are my opinions:
    I would not bother with your OB/gyn. I would go straight to a Reproductive Endocrinologist. (RE) He/She will perform a series of tests to make sure you are able to have a baby. (I found out that my uterus had collapsed in, for example. It was easy to fix, but I never would have gotten pregnant with it in that condition.)

    Yes, start prenatals if you are ready to start the tests. Your RE will give you a prescription. I took them at night and after the first week never had a problem with them making me sick, even when pregnant. Being on the prenatals for several months before getting pregnant helps prevent spina bifida.

    There are a lot of tests. The essentials include the HSG. That is when the dr shoots saline through your tubes and uterus to make sure they are not blocked. That is how I discovered the collapsed uterus.
    He will do a series of blood tests to test your ovarian function, hormone levels, etc... This will all play a part in what protocol you take.

    IuI's feel like a pap smear. The worst part for me was the full bladder, which is uncomfortable, but nothing you can't deal with. Trust me, labor is much more painful! I had 4 IUIs and then 1 IVF.

    Some people think it is best to start with the least intervention and go from there. I felt that because my biological clock was ticking and because of how expensive the sperm was, I wanted to get all the info and do whatever the dr said. It worked! I started the process in May 2010 and gave birth to my son in October 2011. A true miracle!

    I'd be happy to answer any other questions...good luck!!

  • Thank you sooo much Karen! I had no clue what a RE was/is... I've done my research and have made an appointment with one next week! I'm soooo excited, nervous and scared...

    And Congratulations on your new baby boy! A baby is such a blessing! Can't wait until I have my little bundle of joy....
  • Just to provide a different perspective... I went to a clinic that specializes in IUIs. They required only some basic bloodwork and a pap smear. Once that was done, I was cleared for IUI. I had two IUIs, the second of which was successful. It was the policy of the clinic that unless you had reason to believe something was wrong, they didn't recommend meds (clomid, etc.) or HSG until at least three failed IUI attempts.

    They had me start over-the counter prenatal vitamins right away. My OB has had me continue those same vitamins.

    Like Karen said, the IUI feels basically like a pap smear and just takes a couple of minutes. However, they asked me to empty my bladder before the procedure. It might be because I did not have any ultrasound. Often they ask you to have a full bladder to increase the resolution of the ultrasound.

    Best of luck December!
  • I had my first IUI in December (failed) so I am a bit new to this but can offer some info. My gyno referred me to the RE that I am using. Like StarGazr they only did some basic blood work and then had to wait for the timing. I did do a trigger shot which, from what I understand, is fairly common to narrow down the timing. The procedure was not at all painful, I was worried about that too! I had 2 ultrasounds prior to IUI, but they had me empty my bladder before both ultrasounds and the IUI.
    I am now on day 1 of my cycle and starting the process again with the hopes of getting pregnant this time. I have 2 vials left and it seems "my" donor has stopped contributing, so I really hope it works!
    Good luck to you and sorry for being so long-winded!
  • Good luck jaimec! I hope this time works for you.
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