
BFP first ICI at home!!

Well ladies I got my bfp on my first try and I feel so incredibly blessed and lucky! I know this is uncommon, but I wanted to share my experience so that hopefully it may help someone else along the way because I know how much I loved to read what others did.  I ended up doing an at home ICI using only one vial of IUI sperm and preseed. I used donor 13285 and his count with the vial I received was 52 million with 63% motility.

First off I did tons and tons of reading and research for a couple months before I did my ICI. I was seriously a sponge for knowledge and read every experience I could get my eyes on, wanting to know what worked for some women, and what didn't for others. So I here's what I did:

I tracked my cycles for 3 months with cheap opk's so I could get an idea of what I was looking for as far as a positive result. I have a regular 28-29 day cycle and I got my positive opk every month on cd14 like clockwork. So I picked my donor and I used IUI sperm (both my preference and also all he had). I ordered it to be shipped out on 7-5-17 so that it would arrive by Friday 7-7-17 and be here before the weekend as I was due to get my positive opk on Sunday 7-9 (cd14) and did not want to miss my window in case it came early for once. Wellll Sunday comes along and still negative. Oh and this month I also got the clearblue advanced digital opk to back up my cheapies. Monday... negative, and blinky smiley... Tuesday morning... negative, and blinky smiley. By now I'm totally freaking out because my spermies have been sitting in the tank for 6 days and I knew Wednesday was my last day to use them. So by this time I was testing 4-5 times a day on my cheapies praying to see a positive. Tuesday night (cd 16) I FINALLY get a solid smiley on my cb opk at 8pm, but my cheapie still wasn't positive :/ it was my plan all along to insert 12 hours after my positive opk, I just never imagined they would peak at different times! So the next morning (cd17) my cheapie finally turned positive at 8 am! (Tested at 4 am and still not quite there) By this time I was so frazzled because I didn't know if I should insert 12 hours from my cb peak, or my cheapie peak as those were 12 hours apart. So I decided to insert at noon that day, since the number 12 seemed to be on my mind alot lol. So I took my spermies out of the tank at 11:50am (tank was still very much smokey and very much frozen despite my concerns) and simply set them on my nightstand to thaw. Please note I personally did not follow ccb thaw instructions in fear of overheating and killing some, after all my reading I figured room temp was just fine.  I laid down, inserted preseed and had O. At 12:10 pm my spermies were perfectly thawed. I used a 1 ml syringe (pack on amazon) and drew up 2cc of preseed, then my spermies, then another 2cc of preseed so they were sandwiched in there. Then I inserted near the cervix (at least I hoped I did) slowly and then slowly pulled out the syringe. Then had another O and laid there with my butt propped on a pillow for 3 hours, alternating every 30 min from back, to left,  to right. And then got up and went about my day. I did leak quite a bit of fluid about 10 min after I got up, but apparently it was okay because it worked! I'm pretty positive I ovulated at 11 am on Thursday (cd18) because I felt the pain on my right side. So I felt that put me right in the window, I ovulated 36 hrs after peak cb opk, and 24 hrs after positive cheapie opk, and inseminated 23/24 hours prior to ovulation. I should also note I started taking my bbt Temps a week prior to ovulation this month, so while I don't have a pattern to look back on, my Temps also confirmed ovulation on cd19 with the increase in temp and ended up getting a triphastic chart.

I felt cramps 5 through 7dpo and started testing on 6dpo simply because I had 20 cheapie hpts that came with my amazon pack. Stark white negatives everyday. I bought a pack of frer and took one at 7dpo neg... 8dpo vvvfp (figured it was prbly indent line)... 9dpo vvfp  (this one was still super light but just barely dark enough to capture on camera). 10dpo was slightly darker, and today at 11 dpo a bfp I can see! My boobs also are super sore and sensitive yesterday and today. I should also mention I have been taking a baby asprin everyday since the start of my last cycle and will continue to do so. Praying this little bean sticks! x

Good luck to all, I hope this info will help someone else along the way and I sincerely hope you all get your bfp!! :)


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