Trouble with my decision...HELP!!!!
Posts: 16
As seen in the topic I posted prior to this, my husband and I can't decide between donors 11241 and 5575. One of them is almost too perfect---except for the staff impression---the staff usually comments on their attractiveness when they have nice facial comment was made on his impression.
I feel bad that it has come down to looks, but I couldn't sleep last night....this donor is a major OVER-achiever, could he be beefing up his resume??? No offense, but my husband is very handsome and we always thought we would make beautiful babies---so looks seem to be weighing in for our choices.
11241 is more normal. I'm just nervous about his family's height. do you make a decision when it comes down to that.
I'm so torn right now. Any advice to my madness would be appreciated!!!! Have a Happy Easter as well to all.
I feel bad that it has come down to looks, but I couldn't sleep last night....this donor is a major OVER-achiever, could he be beefing up his resume??? No offense, but my husband is very handsome and we always thought we would make beautiful babies---so looks seem to be weighing in for our choices.
11241 is more normal. I'm just nervous about his family's height. do you make a decision when it comes down to that.
I'm so torn right now. Any advice to my madness would be appreciated!!!! Have a Happy Easter as well to all.
In my opinion, beauty is on the eyes of beholder.
When choosing the donors with very good staff impression, but when buying the baby pictures, I don't feel the connection to baby, then I don't choose them.
However, my most favorite does not have baby pics and come from very good well educated family, with very good staff impression. But now, I have to change to other donor after 2 IUI failure.
So no matter how well we choose the donor, the outcomes of every IUIs and the cost will drive our decision to choose which one again and again later. For me, It is sad to switch donor, but sometimes, we have to do what we don't want to do.
Happy Easter.
I immediately deleted my other favorite and ended my search. He is very educated and the other 50% would be ME.
Don't rely too much on staff impressions or attractiveness scale.
I dont trust staff impressions, I called last week and they said my donor was 7 on a scale of 5 to 8. I called the next day and he was a 6. aagrr.
His baby pic is enough and I am pleased with his long profile.
If you cant decide on either of those two. Choose 02467 (have his baby pic and he is so cute)
Let us know how things turn out for you, okay? When do you intend to get started... or have you already?
I'm sorry to hear that things didn't go well... I have such high hopes for you and all of us on this journey... YOU WILL SUCCEED... we all will if we keep trying.
IUI on March 31 ( 34 hours after trigger)
Ovulated on April 01 after 3pm (stretchy CM for 13 hours then it disappeared and changed texture)
April 10, 10dpo BFN with Clear Blue digital ( good, to make sure the ovidrel was out of my system)
Today 11dpo BFN with First Repsponse. This is ok, it is way too early to test (if i implanted late).
Will do the blood test on 14dpo for the real results. My first IUI lol
I bought 5 vials too early February 22 and my IUI wasnt until March 31. I had to pay to store the other 4 vials after they had shipped 1 vial to my RE.
Then again, uumm , it is probably OK to purchase and have it just in case the donor is no longer available.
Good luck ualtigger, Hannaha, and bellafiorela.
I most appreciate the comment about the connection to the picture...that just might be the answer. I don't think I have a connection to one of the pictures, but do to the other. If this is what makes a decision for us, then so be it. ITS SOOOO HARD!!!!! I know that once that baby is in my arms or in my husband's arms, none of this will matter....its just getting there.
I wish everyone that responded and also to those that fall upon this all the luck and blessings!!!
What If I feel a connection to the baby pic but I dont feel such a connection to the long profile and essay? I actually have vials of donor 11241. I feel connection to his baby pic but dont feel an emotional connection from him based on his profiles.
On the other hand, there is the other donor I have vials from which doesnt have a great baby pic(I dont feel particularly connected to the pic) but I find his essay and long profile completely interesting, I kinda feel an emotional connection to him, he is an open donor and has a higher attractive rating according to the CCB reps..advice?
If I was you, Butterfly, I choose donor 11241 to make thing simpler.
My favorite one which i have strong emotional connection, does not have pregnancy reports and have plenty available. However, while reading some email here, I just incident know about the other donor with his baby pic make me smile and feel happy. That feeling is what I've been longing to see in the baby pic. Two people I know here got pregnancy with him.
So for the 3rd IUI, I choose this donor, but I don't eliminate the chance that I stick with one that I really connection emotional, no matter what his picture look likes....:). I haven't order anything yet until the end of this month.
God Bless Us All in this journey.
I forget one more point, if you already purchased the vials of both favoriate donors, then just use them all one by one. No decision need to make any more...:).
Let the babies make the decision to implant inside our body..:). We are done with our duty for our own fate..:).
We are super excited!!!
I called recently and they told me my donor looked like Woody Harrelson. Now, to be honest, I won't date a guy who looks like Woody, but I had already purchased 5 vials.
I am hoping my IUI that I did today does not take so I could switch to another donor.
How're you doing, girl? Did you get the BFP?
I had another IUI a week ago and today is 6days past IUI (6dpiui). Will go tomorrow on day 7 for a progesterone level test.
The two week wait is on but I am too busy to be impatient. lol
Got my fingers crossed for you, hon... I just placed my order today... hope to go in next week for my IUI.
I know about being too busy to be impatient... the airline world is running me crazy!! :-)
Here we go...
The minute I found out my donor was not attractive as an adult I switch to another.
How're you doing? I'm almost done with TWW.