

I am scheduled to have an amnio on June 6th, and I am second guessing my decision to go through with it. I know that my numbers from the Nuechal Test were pretty good 1/205 downs and 1/1200 something for trisomny 13/18. I am also going to be 43 when the baby is born. I understand that it is a personal decision but was wondering if anyone else out there second thought their decision. I know that I could not bring a handicap child into the world as a single mom. There is history in my past that helped me make the decision but still. Any one else in a place that I am.


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    I've thought about this a bit and I don't think I will have an amnio unless the other tests show a high likelihood of chromosomal abnormality that will cause suffering to a child. I don't count down syndrome in that category because they are some of the happiest kids/adults I've ever seen and they don't seem to have a lot of serious physical problems either. But as you said its definitely a personal decision, that's just my take on it. Good luck.
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    This is SUCH a personal decision :) I had similar numbers (1/205 downs, maybe a bit less than 1/1200 for 13/18) and opted no amnio for DS, I was 38 when he was born. That said, he was my first, and was ready and willing for anything. Second time around as a single mom I most definitely would do amnio or CVS for many reasons (but now don't have to since I'm doing IVF).
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    nettibug... Excuse my ignorance but how do they know when you do IVF? Do they genetically test they eggs/sperm before they put them back in? Yes it is such a personal decision the amnino and that is why I am probably struggling.

    Thanks for the info.
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    With my DS, I chose not to have the amnio after the numbers came back from my Nuechal. There were too many risks associated with the amnio for me to risk it. Of course, it's always a personal decision. I think it may be harder for us single mom's when there's no one to help us with the decision. If I were in a relationship and he wanted it, I might've considered it more.
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    If I do IVF then will likely have the PGD (preimplantation genetic diagnosis) to screen out the embryos with trisomies, etc., so that also tells you the sex chromosomes. At my age with every month and cycle counting, and a huge percentage abnormals because of my age, I am leaning toward doing the PGD so that I don't implant embryos that wouldn't survive.
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    Anissa, did you decide to go with a different donor? I was wondering if your donor # is 11444?
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    Jlynn - Stuck with my original donor that I picked last year. I had my amnio and my LO tests were perfect. No I did not use donor 11444
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