
First IUI after 3 failed ivf's

Hello ladies, I'm looking for some positive vibes about IUI success. Husband and I had 3 failed IVF's with his sperm. RE believes there was a DNA fragmentation in his sperm. I've been tested for everything under the sun and everything has come back ok. I've also had a successful pregnancy with my first husband. RE has suggested I do a natural cycle with donor sperm. Makes me very nervous because I've seen so many cases on this thread that didn't work. We spent over $18K on IVF cycles that didn't work. Don't know how many more BFN's I can take....The worst part about the last 2 cycles was that they were chemical pregnancies. Implanted but never grew past a few days. I started AF today and we are hopefully going to do our first IUI on or around May 26th. Wish me luck and good luck to all of you on your journey!


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    I feel like you are almost where I am in this process. I have done 2 IUI post IVF not working with my husband's sperm. I took a break this month, but we have one more vial left to try next month. I wish you luck!

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    Thanks for sharing Renee. I wish you and your husband all the luck!

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    I'm right there with you ladies...I just wrote on another post my history. Two IVF w/PGD-husband, three natural IUI-donor and now on my first medicated IUI (day 12). The expense for us is around $33K. We have been trying for about six-seven years and are still hopeful. Stay positive...so many ladies on this bulletin have been successful - why would we not?

    It will happen...have faith.
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    Wow you have been through a lot TL1417. Thanks for sharing your story. So glad to hear that you're still hopeful and staying positive. I can't say I'm always positive, but I'm certainly hopeful and refuse to give up. It will be our turn one day ladies! Best of luck to you. I'll be checking in on you so keep posting :)

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    I can't believe it...I took four preg tests and just had a blood test...positive! I'm nervous and want to make sure I get through the first 12 weeks.

    Best of luck ladies - I'll keep you posted.
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    oh yay TL1417!!!! I'm so happy for you. It's finally your turn!!!!! :) :) You must be so excited! Good luck with everything! Keep us posted
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    Congrats on the positive preg test TL1417. Keep us posted.

    Riley10 - I was wondering how your IUI went, you mentioned it was to be done around May 26th. I was also wondering if you could share where you had your IVF done. My IUI costs $3K and your 3 IVFs at 18K that comes to 6K/each IVF which might make more sense/save more in the long run. I hope your doctor is competent though and it's not your husband's sperm that's the prob. Have you asked for his success rate?
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    BabyGaga - yes I had an IUI 26th and the 27th with donor 11759. My husband's sperm has a DNA fragmentation and chromosome deficiency. My last 2 IVF cycles actually came back positive but ended in chemical pregnancies. That's when they figured out it was his sperm. I was surprised they even got any sperm from him. He was never able to produce any the natural way, so he had to go under the knife. Even then they only found 11 sperm, just crazy and there are no explanations. They used the 11 and were able to fertilize 5 of my eggs with icsi. $18K is what we've spent on everything so far. Insurance doesn't cover anything but the meds of course so it's been expensive for sure.
    Now for the dreaded 2 week wait to see if this IUI worked... I go back for a blood draw on June 7th. Are you doing an IUI cycle right now?
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