

How are you? Things better? What did the doc say?


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    Well, I am feeling better. They never found a reason for the blood in my urine though. All bloodwork and the 24 hour urine came back normal. My BP is still high...running about 143/96. She increased my Aldomet to see if that helps and has me keeping a close eye on it. She said if it goes above 150/100 then we're in trouble. (Yikes) It's been better the past 2 days. She cut my work hours in 1/2...I'm only going to work 20 hours a week until after the baby arrives. We had another U/S done last Thursday and got to see our little girl again. She has the longest fingers! If you have facebook, I've downloaded her pictures there and you can see them...Just request me as a friend. My name is Misty Richmond.

    On a more positive note, our baby shower is this coming Saturday and we are so excited about it! My best friend is hosting it for us. It's going to be very modern...I'm not really into all of the character stuff. I'll post pictures of the shower on FB too.

    Thanks for checking in on us!
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    Just updating...the shower was great! We had over 60 people show up. We got lots of nice things! We are so grateful for our friends and family! As soon as I get a chance, I'll post pictures on FB.

    We go back to the doctor tomorrow and begin Non-Stress Tests (NST). We'll let you know how it goes.
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    Another update from our appointment today...

    The doctor actually sent us to L&D today because of some cramping that I was having. They done the NST and after 2 hours of monitoring, they assure me that Reece is doing great. The NST usually lasts 20 minutes, but Reece was being stubborn and didn't want to move around. So, they made me eat a cookie and drink some pop to hype her up. Boy...that sure worked! She loved the sugar rush! I was having some tiny contractions, they think Braxton Hicks...they checked my cervix (not so pleasant at 31 weeks)and it's still closed up tight! They told me to take it easy, drink lots of water and keep an eye on her movements. They also said that with my age and history that I could go into labor at any point, so I think I better get a bag packed just in case. We want to make it to at least 36 weeks though...we'll see what happens. :)
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    Feel free to contact us whenever you and Carla are in Albuquerque next. I check Facebook daily and I'll give you my phone number if you end up coming back and want to meet up.

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    Wendy...We will. ;)

    Jess...Thanks for the prayers and I'll look for you message on FB tonight.
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    I have not been on in a few days...I just saw this! You have an exciting few days this week! I am so glad all is well and that the shower went well too, how exciting.
    Take it easy and I am praying that Reece decides to stay in there a while longer. I can't believe you are so close...wow...packing bags...that must feel scary and exciting all at the same time.
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    momX2...I know...reality has hit us and we are excited to be so close. We can't wait to meet her in person. :)

    How are you?
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